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Predictable Chaos's Prattle

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We are proud RavenpuffSlytherdors.

Predictable Chaos


I love my house. They are an awesome group, but not because of the stereotypical intelligence associated with the blue and bronze. I actually enjoying being in my house because they are so much more. They are Ravenpuffslytherdors.

Are my fellow claws intelligent, yes. We come from a variety of real life backgrounds and are all definitely "smart" in our fields, but I really like about them is that they caring and considerate. If you are having a bad day, someone is always there with a positive word. When one person has to step aside during a house competition, someone else always picks up the extra work.

They are competitive. We always give it our all, inspired by our fearless leader, @MadiMalfoy who has, without the doubt, has the most inner Slytherin of our all of us. I've watched members of my house go without sleep, food, drink and connection to the real life all for the sake of finishing a challenge.

Leadership is a natural of Ravenclaws: 3 Headmasters, 4 Aurors, and a Professor. 

The people of my house, as well as the people of this entire site, take the best  qualities and merge them together. We are all Ravenpuffslytherdors. 

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