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The Sorting Hat Begs to Disagree



I’ve done quite a few of the sortinghatchats’ sorting quiz (m just to be safe) for my characters, but until today, I had never done it for myself. I fully expected it to be Ravenclaw Primary, Slytherin Secondary.

I was right on half of that. I ended up being sorted into Hufflepuff, a house that I have only been sorted into on Pottermore exactly once.

I have never seen myself as a Hufflepuff. About seventy-five percent of the time, I get sorted into Ravenclaw, for rather obvious reasons. Slytherin about twenty percent of the time, and Gryffindor and Hufflepuff fit into the last five percent.

But I wasn’t just sorted into Hufflepuff. No, I ended up being a Burned Hufflepuff Primary. Which, given everything that’s gone on in my life, makes sense.

A Burned Hufflepuff “has decided that it’s too hard, impractical, or ultimately futile to care about everyone, and so they have shrunk their circle”. I have never been very extroverted, and I have had very bad luck with actually keeping friends. Ironically enough because I’ve burned too many times for comfort. Let’s just say that I have accidentally attracted a few too many toxic people, and I am tired of being burned.

I have a few close friends, but I tend to drift in and out of communication with them. I definitely compartmentalize my friends, which we will talk about in a little bit. I also get burned out in social situations, but it’s a bit easier over text and such. I am so very glad the Discord exists so I can keep in touch with people.

Hufflepuff Primaries can have the tendency to be condescending, and that is probably my worst flaw. I have been working on it for years, but it is still a major flaw.

Why am I not surprised about the Slytherin Secondary bit? Because I am different with most of the circles I am in. In high school, I kind of floated between groups of friends, most of which might have had one or two people overlapping. I drifted between, with really only a couple friends who I felt like I could be ‘myself’ with. Slytherin Secondaries are, by nature, adaptable and flexible.

I come across as a lot less capable than I am. Probably because I look young, but also because I’m quiet. Either I come across as stuck-up or immature, depending on how people project onto me. I recently talked to one of my oldest friends, and she said that I always looked like I had my crap together in school.

Nope, not even close.

I tend to keep everything inside. I don’t really like sharing things that make me look like I am feeling worse than I look (even when I am feeling like that) because then people will see that I am having trouble. This has gotten me into quite a bit of trouble over the years. I wear masks all the time, and, sometimes, I let them crack.

When I first looked at it, I was surprised by my sorting, but, looking back at it, it really doesn’t come as a complete shock. I still am a Ravenclaw in the HP sense, but this does add some depth.

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