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NaNoWriMo 2017



The countdown to NaNoWriMo is on again. I participate EVERY year and I fail every year. I expect no different this year.

Why do I do it? Because I've been working on my original fiction since 2009 and have yet to complete my first draft. It's a historical fiction based on a true timeline of events in Australia. As such, its also dealing with real towns and the longer I fail at writing, the more "life" goes on and towns change. But, I have spent over $2000 of my own money in research for this, so I can never give up - nor do I want to. Life has also played a massive part in the "no writing" aspect. I work full time and have just recently had baby #5. Motherhood kinda has to be a priority :P 

I came close to finishing NaNo once - my first year in 2006, with Draco and Ginny Pudding (MA), it sits at 28,297 words and I have yet to move all of it here to HPFT. The title was inspired by the HPFF Cliche Cafe, part of the NaNo fun on the forums of the time. It's the most I have written for NaNo - My least being 450 words last year 9_9

Hopefully this year I will succeed, I just have no idea if I'll try and write my OF, start another, or write FF. Below in an excerpt from my original fiction - A first ever peek. I've never posted it publicly before.


When Kristan had picked her up, there was a light spray of water falling from the heavens above. Within 10 minutes, the rain poured down, hitting the windshield of the ute so hard that Naomi thought it might break.

“Is it hailing?” She examined the spots on the glass but couldn’t tell.

“Nah,” Kristian said as he turned the radio on and country music filled the cab. “It’s just a shower. We’ll pass it soon.”

As they left they exited Armidale’s city limits, the scenery changed from shops and houses to green paddocks and animals scattered across the land.

“Do they get cold?” Naomi pointed to a paddock full of cows.

“They love the rain,” Kristian said as he pointed towards a few grazing as they zoomed by. “The rain helps tenderise the meat.”

“Really?” Naomi watched as the cows looked up at the car then lazily went back to eating. She turned to Kristian when she didn’t get an answer and saw he was hiding his laughter. She playfully slapped him on the arm and he finally let out his laugh.

“Still such a city girl, Princess.” Kristian smiled and took her hand in his.

“I dunno,” Naomi said as she let go of Kristian’s hand and picked up her Akubra hat and firmly sat it upon her head. I’m getting’ more countrified by the day, don’t ya think?” She pulled a funny pose and made Kristian laugh again.

“I really like you,” he said, unable to wipe the smile off his face.

“I really like you.” Naomi smiled back, a warm fuzzy feeling rested in her tummy and she could feel her cheeks warm.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a while. Naomi took the hat from her head and rested it in her lap. She let her thoughts wonder to where they were headed and was nervous as to what to expect.

“I still don’t understand the concept of a BnS.” Naomi said turned to Kristian who was concentrating on driving. “Why do you need to travel the country just to have a…party?”

Naomi could see Kristian contemplating the question. “Country life, true country life, isn’t a lifestyle – it’s a way of life. The floaters who pop by because they think it’s a fun choice are not really true country people.”

Kristian paused so he could pass a few cars. “My Dad is a prime example. He’s the fourth generation in our family to work the land we’re on. It’s all he knows. He knows cattle, cattle, and more cattle. He knows cattle better than he knows us.” Kristian shrugged. “But that’s Dad. And most country folk are just like him. They were born and raised on the land, they work the land, and they die by the land.”

Kristian set the cruise control and changed songs on the radio and briefly looked at Naomi before concentrating back on the road.

“I was supposed to take over. After high school, I was going to work with Dad, learn the business and what he does. Once I knew where Dad was up to and where I wanted to take the business next, I was going to decide then if I needed to go to Uni or not.” Kristian shrugged and sighed. “That’s all ****ed now.”

Naomi placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry,”

Kristian looked at her briefly, shrugged, and smiled. “You have nothing to be sorry about. It’s not your fault. Just relax, Princess. You’ll see for yourself.”

I have 3 more days to decide...I'll keep you updated.

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3 hours ago, victoria_anne said:

i love that you continue to try. Who knows, this is year might be your year! Good luck :wub:

Thanks :) I have an editor already waiting in the wings for me to complete as I want to publish, so fingers crossed.

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