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Predictable Chaos's Prattle

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Results for the Title-tastic Challenge

Predictable Chaos


I was so excited to have 6 awesome entries for the Title-tastic Challenge. I really enjoyed the various interpretations of the titles! All of them are worth reading. Presented in alphabetical order. . . .

Existential Equilibrium(M) by @Noelle Zingarella Honestly, I grabbed two sophisticated E words and threw them together to see what an author came up with and Noelle does not disappoint. She studies the internal struggles of one person through his dream journal. His snarky, exasperated tone is well done and you feel the person's challenges by the end.

Lies Do Become Us by @GKWriter.  GK explores the idea of being Blaise Zambini, as a Slytherin and being successful through the art of lying. GK looks at indepth at some of Blaise's lies while at Hogwarts and how each one, while might have benefited others, also benefited himself. 

Lies Do Become Us by @ImaRavenclaw Two people chose this title. It was interesting to see how they interpreted it differently. Lily took a coming of age story for Michael who has been lying to himself as he tries to search yet ignore his own self-identity. 

Swirling Teacups of Terror by @Tanda Kenny has woven a great story about teacups and retirement of Alastor Moody but it's not until the end that I realized the truth about where Moody was.

Visions of Insanity by @TidalDragon I have to admit I fell into the trap when creating this title assuming the person would probably write about Bellatrix Lastrange. Instead we have a journal of Alice and Frank Longbottom with us asking the question. Is your reality what you perceive or those around you do?

yes, i'll do it again by @Jen25  Jen had me at the summary:  it's 1917 and lance corporal william schofield may just have to watch the love of his life die in his arms. Based off the movie, 1917, it's about falling in love during war, the tragedy that could strike at any time, and fulfilling your duty to your country, no matter the cost. It reminds us that there is nothing quite like falling in love and, despite the risks, we'd probably do it over again. 


and the results are. . . . . . . . 


3rd place @Noelle Zingarella Existential Equilibrium (M). Noelle did a wonderful job with a dream journal, great pacing, snarky attitude and made one think about how dreams are the essence of human existence. Congratulations! PM me what you want for your 2 additional reviews. 


Please credit @crowsb4bros



2nd place @ImaRavenclaw Lies Do Become Us. Lily's protrayal of Michael as he tries to come to grips with his own self-identity is packed with layers upon layers as he wrestles with his family's expectations, the boy he loves and his own self. Plus her ability to weave in a quote of Chopin, adds extra spice to an excellent story. Congratulations! PM me what you want for your 3 additional reviews. 


Please credit @crowsb4bros


1st @TidalDragon Visions of Insanity Kevin's summary grabbed my attention: "What is reality? Is it a world woven by the hand of God or one of their own creation?" Throughout the entire story, I began to ponder: Just because your perception of reality is different, does that classify you as insane?" It's a wonderful story from the perspective of Alice and Frank after that fateful day. Congratulations! PM me what you want for your 4 additional reviews. 


Please credit @crowsb4bros

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