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Second Times the Charm Challenge Results

Predictable Chaos


Thank you for those that entered the Second Times the Charm Challenge. Each story was wonderful and very special in it’s own unique way. PM your stories for reviews (5 for 1st place, 3 for 2nd place, 2 for 1st place and 1 for Honorable Mention.)

Honorable Mention: Lucky Penny by @Chelts-rhj  This one didn't actually meet the criteria to be in the running but it was such a lovely piece that I had to bring it up. It’s Albus Potter meets Time Traveler’s Wife. Chelts does a wonderful job weaving the love story of Albus, living a linear life, and Penny who lives in a more meandering temporal world. (This is due to the most bizarre time turner accident I’ve encountered. “My father was born in 1880. He met my mother in 1913. She was born in 1980 and gave birth to me in 2012, or 1914 if you ask my father.”)

What amazes me the most is how well the story flows. It’s organized around themes rather than sequentially. Chelts has done a beautiful job keeping the story line organized so as to not lose the reader but entice him/her. Her ability to weave ideas in and out of various times, making connections to the best. I highly recommend it (and in fact recommended it for this month's SOTM, so go vote for it.)



3rd place-Battlefields by  @Sapphire_Skies

This piece is very aptly named as Sapphire_Skies has addressed multiple battlefields in Lily Evan’s life. Set during Christmas Break, 1976, it looks at character vs. character as she battles her sister, character vs. society as she considers her role with the muggle world as well as the upcoming wizarding world and character vs. self as she continues to question her decision to end her friendship with Severus. With each issue,, one can see the pain and anguish as Lily tries to identify her place with the world, what type of woman she wants to be and what path she will lead. I particularly love her struggles deciding if she should date a muggle boy. He is so sweet and perfect, just not perfect for her. You want to tell her to stop being an idiot, but respect her for recognizing how it probably wouldn’t be a realistically long-term relationship.



2nd Place-Between a Rock and a Hard Place by @inmysnowylittlecorner

The first story in a world where McGonagall and Snape investigate the domestic issues at Privet Drive and solve the problems by removing Harry from the Dursleys. This story focuses on Petunia’s life as a young mother with two rambunctious boys. Noelle shows  the other side of Petunia here, how she is trying her best, her own anxiety and pain that she is feeling. Any parent (or childcare) can relate to that overwhelming sense of exhaustion and resignation. One can see how Petunia simultaneously loves and resents her nephew and the transformation from an adult trying to do her best to an abusive parents. 

In typical Noelle fashion, her description and emotion is incredible leaving you filled with so many emotions as you scroll down the page.



1st Place-Baby in the Closet by @Oregonian

Vicki grapples with a concept that, although never addressed in the books, no doubt would have a major impact on the characters-PTSD, specifically Harry due to his abusive childhood. With Ginny very pregnant with their first child, nightmares are surfacing for Harry. Vicki tracks Harry through a few weeks as he explores various avenues to understand his nightmares and fears about fatherhood. She does a wonderful job, not only Harry’s feelings but those around him and watching him grow up.


Edited by Predictable Chaos

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