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stumbling headfirst back into fic



it was approximately three years ago that i last announced a return to fic writing, or more specifically this site. fic was such a massive part of my life for so long that i've always felt like something was missing after i drifted away from it, but my dozens (probably) of halfhearted attempts to return always fizzled out because i was missing one crucial thing: the all-consuming passion for a particular piece of media that has to drive any fanfic engagement.

if you follow me on twitter you will be aware that i spent the bulk of my summer evenings (re)watching all 13 seasons of Doctor Who (the 2005 reboot, not classic who) with my wife and flatmate. we were all, at some point, big fans of it and all, at some point, stopped watching regularly, so it seemed a natural choice for a marathon. cue mid-february when we finished it and, at a loss for what to do and still fully emotionally immersed in the universe, i curled up on the couch and spent an entire weekend on ao3. and then i started writing.

since uhhh the 13th of february i have posted three one-shots and eight chapters of an increasingly long WIP that come to around 20,000 words total (if anyone is interested, my ao3 (12+) has them all). i initially thought i just needed to write one yaz/thirteenth doctor one-shot to get it out of my system but no. i am properly hooked again. i keep having fic ideas. this is terrible timing because, as you'll also know if you follow me on twitter, i'm trying to finish my thesis and even though i only write fic in my "leisure time" i did not really intend to have any "leisure time" at the sharp end of my PhD. alas, here we are. i can't even say i regret it. i missed fanfic. i missed how at home i feel in these spaces and i slotted so quickly back into it it feels like i never left. 

idk how many of you are actively in the doctor who fandom but if you are, hit me up. i'm only posting on ao3 but give me prompts and i will write em for you. send me your fics. i have missed this

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