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The Way of Conquest by Pagination on AO3-Story Rec

Predictable Chaos


The Way of Conquest by pagination Fic Recommendation

I’ve been on a Star Wars kick lately and who better to read about than Mando. (Actually, perhaps Obi-wan is best, but I love this story, so Mando is.) The title is The Way of Conquest but I would probably retitle it Crackfic Kills the Sith Chancellor and Poor Mando Must Mop Up the Mess.  Poor Din Djarin ends up the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic by way of Time Traveling Force Osik and Articles of Succession, Section 238, Subsection 141.99 The Rule of Conquest. The entire story is pity and hilarious as Mando tries to navigate the corrupt red tape of the Galactic Senate, yet his simple ways (along with some help) endear him to many people (while they are rolling their eyes and claiming migraines.)

'“ ‘You're under arrest for the murder of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine,’ Mace says, a sinking feeling in his chest.

‘Huh,’ says the Mandalorian.

The Senate chooses this point to start screaming.”

Captain Inspector Kobol Antilles guides Mando through this new world as the latter tries to understand many confusing things like how the New Republic has been rebuilt so quickly.  

“ ‘I’m Bail Organa, Chancellor. Senior Senator for Alderaan.’

Oh? Din straightens, interested. ‘You all found a new planet?’ He should tell Cara. ‘Good job.’


‘You named it the same, though. Isn't that a little weird?’


‘Is it registered as Alderaan Mark II? Or just Alderaan?’ “

Chancellor Mando will leave the reader in stitches as this no nonsense character attempts to manipulate the red tape of the largest, most corrupt government. He sees nothing wrong with firing someone by throwing them down the stairs of the Senate building and washing his underwear in the sink. (Hey, he didn’t pack before time traveling.) Knowing no one, his names for people aptly describes. Can you guess who “bald monk man” and “Bearded Senator” are. He has no problem pointing out the stupidity of rules and ideas while Grogu munches buckets of frogs from the Senate cafeteria. 

I love how he points out some of the really stupid ideas of the movies and corrects them (like sending an entire army to Geonosis for an extraction.)

Then the Mandalorian discovers that they are using 10 year Mandalorian clones to fight for them. This is not the Way and everyone will know about it.

He cuts through the red tape with such humor and deals with Siths and War in such a naive yet efficient manner.

Then the author adds extras scenes at the end that just add to the giggles as characters roll their eyes and try to curse each other out. With 12,892 Kudos, it’s worth the read. 

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