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A Lock of Love




Welcome to this month's love-filled Prefect blog, co-authored by the man who knows (self)-love best, Gilderoy Lockhart! ♥️ 

We've got some great love story and Gilderoy-featuring story recommendations we'd like to share from members and also from us! Gilderoy was also kind enough to write some love letters for the staff for his contribution besides providing us with his usual charm and witty banter. His personal assistant also magicked up some personalized photographs of GIlderoy for each staff member!


@galadriel @Sleepingbagonthesofa @ShadowRose  @toomanycurls   @LadyL8 @PaulaTheProkaryote @Chemical_Pixie @Veritaserum27 @abhorsen. @Unwritten Curse @TidalDragon @Alopex @Ineke


Dear Lady Galadriel,

Hello my darling creative writing Professor! I do hope later you can teach me some of your skills in crafting such beautiful writing. You have been working so hard lately, especially with having to train our dear students to capture all of those magical creatures last month! (Perhaps my latest quest didn’t turn out as it should have, my sincerest apologies.) I trust I could learn some new wandwork techniques from your capable hands, and everso look forward to it. Shall we rendezvous later this week in the Staff Lounge to discuss the newest writing techniques or the latest editorial in Witch Weekly? I’ll be awaiting your owl for our meeting time, oh lovely and celestial Nim!


Gilderoy Lockhart


Dear Lady Paula,

While I am not sure exactly what a prokaryote is, I do not doubt you are an expert in whatever this field is that I assume is related to Herbology. As you probably know, I am an expert in the field of Charms -- I haven’t won Witch Weekly’s Most-Charming-Smile Award five times in a row for nothing! Perhaps we can combine forces to tackle the media and the publishing office over a nice, candlelit meal in my office next week. I am also ever so keen to expand my knowledge in the hopes it will help me during a future encounter, so I do not doubt your lessons in Herbology would do me extremely well. I await your response by owl!


Gilderoy Lockhart


Dear Lady Abby,

I hear you like poetry, so I’d like to present you with one I’ve written myself. I am, after all, a literary icon, author of multiple best-sellers, and as I hear you are the fabulous new member of the publishing office, it is only fitting that we make our acquaintance early. After all, who would be better than yourself to appreciate such greatness; beautiful poetry for a beautiful soul. Please accept this lovely poem as a token of my gratitude for publishing my next best-seller:
There once was a man from Nantucket
My dear personal assistant tells me this is not the type of poem you will be looking for. I shall get back to you shortly!


Gilderoy Lockhart


Dear Lady Beth,

I wish to ask how you can dare have been departed from me for the time that you were, but how can I ask such a question when you have been matching exceeding beauty with immeasurable brains.  It is impossible to not love an academic and you my love are indeed an academic, a woman after my own heart.  I hope that we can be reunited soon and you can share with me all that you have learned upon which I can write a book about you, the woman of equal looks and brains.


Gilderoy Lockhart


Dear Lady Branwen,

Does the Headmistress wish to see me for my bad behavior in accidentally releasing all of those magical creatures around the school grounds? I’m sure I’ll learn my lesson this time. I know you did a lot of hard work in wrangling those beasts and I only wish to fully appreciate your skills in managing such an enormous task. Shall I conjure thee a comfortable chair and a large mug of tea to lessen the strain of your duties? I must say that many a witch has enjoyed a shoulder massage at my hands, and I will gladly provide you with my services, dearest Branwen, whenever you like.


Gilderoy Lockhart


Dear Lady Gina,

I see no one more worthy of myself than the “Queen of Gryffindor” and as such, I could not help myself from reaching out to you. For the spirit of such a fierce lioness as yourself could only be matched with someone with such accolades as myself. I trust two daring souls such as ourselves could find ourselves quite the unforgettable adventure! I’ll be awaiting your response owl so we can leave with haste!


Gilderoy Lockhart


Dear Monseuir Kevin,

It is with my sincerest regret that such a long period of time has elapsed since my last visit -- surely you understand what a busy man I am, battling banshees and disposing of doxies. To make it up to you, I'm leaving you a signed copy of my autobiography, Magical Me, and several autographed photographs. If you scatter them about your dwelling, it may feel like I've never left at all. It has come to my attention, however, that you have been performing great feats to match my own lately -- crafting FROG category posts and organizing collaborations for the ages... Perhaps we should meet over tea sometime soon and you can elaborate on your adventures. It is vital that nobody knows of our meeting, however. Uh -- you see -- if my masses of fans were to hear of our meeting, they may attempt to intrude upon our conversations. 

Contact me to let me know what time of day works best for you!

Gilderoy Lockhart


Dear Lady Holly,

How lucky for is it that happenstance has brought us together once again? What a duo the pair of us make -- with my extraordinary abilities and perfect hair and your renowned cartography skills, we could spend long hours mapping out the jungles of South America together. You know, I once conquered a particularly nasty band of werewolves hiding out in the Amazon Rainforest... it's a stunning vacation spot, if not for all the bugs and man-eating critters running amok (they don't faze me, of course). Alas, I must be taking my leave rather soon. This world isn't going to protect itself, after all. Don't feel put out, though, for I shall be leaving you with an autograph photograph of myself and a signed copy of Wandering Wayward Werewolves of Brazil as inspiration for that map. ;) 

Until next we meet, my dear! 

Gilderoy Lockhart


Dear Lady Ineke,

How can I compare thee to anything but the force of nature that you are? I know our communication has been spotty as of late, but it only makes the heart grow fonder. Your superb senior management of the publishing office leads me to hope for a private meeting with you to discuss a possible arrangement concerning my latest work. Perhaps you’d enjoy a box of Chocolate Caramel Cauldrons to sweeten the deal as I know those are your favorite! Your publishing record is astounding, and I look forward to our future correspondence regarding Me, Myself, and I...and you.


Gilderoy Lockhart


Dear Lady Lotte,

It cannot be expressed how my heart has longed to hear from you in the past winter months.  I am told that you have recently moved.  Would you dare move again?  If so I would love for you to move closer to me so that I can more readily read you the more romantic passages of my book extolling to all how beautiful and wonderful you are.  You are simply a divine and sweet honey badger, both powerful and kind. 


Gilderoy Lockhart


Dear Lady Rose,

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but Headmistress shall not be beat! I see you have an infant who needs no help from me in being heard or seen. Would you care to be whisked away for a relaxing spa weekend with me? You are most deserving of this wonderful chance to spend hours listening to my while away the time regaling you with tales of my accomplishments! I await your owl accepting this once-in-a-lifetime holiday with yours truly.


Gilderoy Lockhart


Dear Lady Taylor,

Words cannot espresso how much you mean to me! You’ve been a busy media manager this month, but you’ve still found time to mocha me crazy! In fact, I’m just going to say it. I like you a latte. We were meant to bean. I’ve got the coffeels for you. Such a brewtiful and amazing soul such as yourself deserves nothing but the best, and as the five time winner of Witch Weekly’s Most Charming Smile, I think we should give this our best shot! Shall we meet in the staff lounge this week to espresso our feelings? I eagerly await your response owl!


Gilderoy Lockhart


Dear Lady Deni,

I hear you don’t like spinach puffs, so in your honor I shall go on a quest to have them removed from this Earth. After all, it is no concern of yours if people have food. You are a beautiful and busy lion, with media to manage, muggles to liaison with, and levers to pull (but best be careful not to pull the wrong one). Perhaps after I have eradicated all of the spinach puffs, we could collaborate on my next bestseller-author and inspiration for Stamping Out Spinach Puffs. I look forward to your correspondence.


Gildeory Lockhart


We asked, and you delivered on some of your favorite ~love~ stories or stories that feature Gilderoy (the man himself!) or both! Without further ado, here are the stories to give you the feel-good romance vibes for this month ?

How I Saved the Wizarding World with Hair Potions, by Gilderoy Lockhart by @Stella Blue

Orange Cardamom by @ShadowRose

Of Bookshelves and Baby Carriers by @poppunkpadfoot

Amortentia by @greisful

Eyes as Brown as an Enstatite Gem by @MadiMalfoy

Rush of Blood by @nott theodore

Chai Series by @800 words of heaven

How Long? by @crestwood

Golden Girl by @Finefrenzy__ 

The Anne Clarke Chronicle by @MrsDarcy  

Moonlight by @Noelle Zingarella 

The Woes of Mr Weatherby by @Bunbury 

Shards of a Badger's Heart by @Hufflepuffbookworm1990

The Taste of Cherry by @scooterbug8515 

Capture Me by @sunshine_locks 

Meddling Aphrodite by @greisful

That's All by @beyond the rain 

Seasons of Love by @galadriel 

Disarming Charm by @scooterbug8515 


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post contributors + recs: Madi, Sarah, Carrie, Rumpels, Emma, Gilderoy Lockhart

graphics: Rumpels

Story Recs: @starbuck, @PaulaTheProkaryote, @MegGonagall, @Chemical_Pixie

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