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In the Spotlight | June 26th

Guest Rumpelstiltskin



Welcome to the June Edition of the Prefects' In the Spotlight blog. While we are covering most of the usual in this edition, many of the Houses were hosting their Common Room Awards. Because of this, some of the Houses in the Common Room Section don't have a feature this month, as they were busy with their awards. We're currently now in the midst of the HPFT House Cup Finale for the 2018-2019 year, and we wish each House the best of luck. Remember to have a fun!

We also have a special feature this month for the Winner of the Prefects' Four of a Kind Challenge!


The lovely @LadyL8 was chosen as this month's Order of Merlin Recipient!

| L A D Y L 8 |

Lotte doesn't write fic much anymore, but she's left some extremely lovely reviews for quite a few of the members of HPFT! Her reviews are always so kind and positive, it's always a good day to get a review from her. She's also active with the Puff newsletter and tries to review featured fics from there as well so no one feels left out--what a true Hufflepuff! 


For our Head Students for June, @Felpata_Lupin and @Oregonian were recognized! We have a couple interviews ready to go thanks to these two lovelies!

F E L P A T A _ L U P I N

What is your favorite place to visit on HPFT?

I'm not sure if that's the answer you were looking for, but I spend most of my HPFT time on the archives... everyone here is so incredibly talented so I'm always happy to read and review new stories. And, well... sometimes I just enjoy reading through the reviews I received, it always helps my self-esteem and lifts my spirit when I'm feeling down... :$

If your question was meant as forums-only, though... I guess the Reviews Offered subforum, for pretty much the same reasons above. That, and the Hufflepuff Sett (especially the Snuggle and Party thread) because I love my Puffs with all my heart and soul! :wub::hufflepuff: 

If there’s one story of yours you would like to tell us about, what would it be and why?

Oooh... well, I guess that has to be Jimmy! It's my baby! I've been working on the first novel for more than five years and marking it completed last January has been surreal and wonderful and a bit heartwrenching at the same time.

It started almost as a joke, I didn't believe in it at the beginning (and having the first chapter rejected on HPFF the first time I tried to post it didn't help me feeling confident in the story...) but then it grew on me in unexpected ways, and the external encouragement I got from readers pushed me forward (going to officially thank @TreacleTart here for convincing me to not give up ❤️ )

Now I'm so in love with all the characters (Jimmy/Harry, Peter and Remus with their crazy relationship, James, Sirius, Lily, Neville, Emmeline, Ron, Hermione, Samantha Rosier, Hagrid...) that I couldn't let go if I wanted to. And I'm looking forward to complete the whole series and discover how the characters will evolve across the seven years! I'm just super excited about it, and grateful and flattered by the reactions I've got from readers so far!

What would be your ideal writing space?

I think I would love to write somewhere surrounded by nature, maybe by a mountain creek, where the only sounds would be the lapping of the water and the tweeting of birds... :P

In reality, I usually write half slouched on the sofa, under my Hufflepuff blanket, with my laptop on my lap and my Marauders mug filled with tea at hand reach. :P

Do you have any plunnies begging for escape that you haven’t gotten around to/haven’t had inspiration for writing yet? If so, what’s your favorite plunny/plunnies?

I have too many plunnies to count, to be honest. One that comes to mind that I really hope I'll manage to write someday is a story about the staging of the Fountain of Fair Fortune at Hogwarts. I have a lot of ideas for it, and already started writing the beginning, but I've never found it in myself to move on with it. Another one that I would really love to do some day is Xenophilius Lovegood on the Snorkack's traces... there are tons of others, actually, including some OF ideas... maybe one day...

What is the first book that made you cry? (Or at least the first one to evoke a strong, emotional response?)

Harry Potter? :P Just kidding... I'm actually not sure which was the first book to strongly impact me emotionally, but the one book that first came to mind when reading this question was "Oceano Mare" by Alessandro Baricco. It's just beautiful... angsty, poetic, romantic... I can't remember the details of the story, but it's this a bit surreal narration about a hotel by the sea and the people staying there, each one with their unique story and past and peculiarities. And there is this love story of sorts between a young girl with a fragile health and a man who was on the run because he was a murderer? (or maybe he was planning to murder someone... as I said, I can't remember the details... :couch: ) Anyway, it's a highly emotional little novel and I loved it a lot. Might be time for a re-read, actually... :wub: 

For you, what’s the best part of writing?

Giving life (sort of) to all the ideas and characters fluttering inside my head. And discovering how characters grow and change across a story. I often say that my writing style is like a scientific experiment: I put my characters in a situation and I study how they behave within it. I find that process incredibly fascinating and I love to get invested in the characters' emotions and destinies. And of course it's always a plus when someone tells me that my writing resonated with them... :$ 


What is your favorite place to visit on HPFT?

I like it all -- the up-to-date chatter of the Status Updates, the affirming spirit of the Bulletins (the staff are the greatest) and the Silver Quill (Slytherin House newsletter), the creativity of the archives, but I'd particularly like to mention the blogs, where members write at length about something that's really important to them, and the passion shines through.

If there's one story of yours you would like to tell us about, what would it be and why?

I would like to tell you about The Baby In The Closet. I wrote it back in 2012 after reading several fluffy one-shots about Harry welcoming the births of his own children, and I saw a gaping hole, an abyss, in the extended canon -- there was no way Harry could have gone from seriously abused child to happy, loving, relatively well functioning parent without taking some intentional steps to cross that abyss.  Injury requires healing (as much as can be achieved).  So I wrote this story over a nine-month period about how Harry takes that journey.  It settles some important issues and ties a whole bunch of stuff together.

Which animal best represents you as a writer?

Well, I don't write every day (except my journal), so it can't be a hummingbird or a shrew, which must eat every day to avoid starving.  A fairly large mammal that hunts, kills, and eats sporadically, but does not run in a pack.  So I would say a leopard.  They do drag their kills up into trees to save them for later consumption, and I do write stuff that doesn't get posted until much later.

What are some specific categorical prerequisites that you look for when choosing something to read (for example, certain genres, tropes, character types, etc.)?

I enjoy reading Missing Moments, backstories of canonical events and characters, and historical stories.  I'm happy to see an expansive treatment of a character mentioned only briefly in the seven books. Any rarely-addressed topic will capture my attention. Stories set at Hogwarts during 1997-1998 intrigue me because JKR tells us so little about what was going on there.  On the less-likely-to-be-read list: characters who have been written to death (James & Lily, the Marauders), angsty love stories about snarky teenagers who think that firewhiskey solves all problems (again written to death).  

For you, what is the most difficult part of writing?

Probably just finding time and getting started.  It's awful to believe that every task on the to-do list is more important than writing; many of them really are, but assuming that they all are is a mistake that I'm often guilty of.  So I end up rushing to meet a deadline (Miraculous! Some chores can be postponed after all!).  The other problem is believing that everyone else's work is better than mine; I have to keep telling myself that it's just my self-criticism talking and I shouldn't pay any attention to it.

What is your favorite under-appreciated piece of literature?  

My favorite literature which is not well known or talked about much is the series of books written by a British author, Rosemary Sutcliffe, about Britain during its occupation by the Romans and for some centuries thereafter.  Her work is described as "children's books", but that's like calling the Harry Potter books "children's books". They're really for all ages: I read them when I was about forty years old.  Google her name to learn more about them.



@down-in-flames's novel 9.9 out of 10, highly recommend was chosen as this month's story of the month! We have a review column prepared and Taylor was kind enough to provide us with an interview!

R E V I E W   C O L U M N

@down-in-flames's WIP novel 9.9 out of 10, highly recommend disrupts the traditional Jily ship in a magnificent, completely refreshing way. When posed with a challenge to write a story whose comparison was Brooklyn 99 meets How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Taylor not only brought the goods, but pan-fried them and served them up, to-boot.

There are several elements that make this piece positively delicious.

The first is the AU modernized setting, which unhinges that time-old Marauder's tale that we've seen time and time again. It allows for an unpredictable turn of events in a believable way since it isn't directly tied into the old canonical timeline. It also brings that familiar sense of the modern in -- something attainable, as thought it's just beyond our fingertips, which has done wonders for the relatability factor.

The second is the plot. With two separate bets made that rely on the future of Lily and James' previously nonexistent relationship, if they still have one in the end, the readers are presented with a sense of anticipation. Without spoiling things, watching two people date and work together, even if one is on a determined path of subtle sabotage, has been entirely thrilling.

Another factor which plays a large role is the author's sense of humor that leaks directly into the story. In fact, it goes hand-in-hand with another factor, characterization, as the character interactions are where the humor truly comes to life. Banter, teasing, and general conversation between characters in this story are so unique and funny, it leaves the reader with a sense of enthrallment and a need to read more.

Continuing on with the characters, it's also important to note that the implied canon characterization of the Harry Potter (first wizarding war) cast is maintained to a certain degree. However, they have been given a new life of their own, to not only help showcase the B99 inspiration, but to also continue that sense of freshness and ingenuity.

All together, 9.9 out of 10, highly recommend is a fantastic read for Jily lovers, B99 fans, or just anyone in general who is looking for a great story.


I N T E R V I E W   W I T H   T H E   A U T H O R
D O W N - I N - F L A M E S

What inspires you to write?
well, uh, my muse is conspicuously less present than normal at the moment, but for the most part, i tend to get inspired by a little of everything. a lot of times, i'll get a vague idea for a fic - literally maybe even just a sentence or two - and then just start writing and see what happens. i think that sense of getting pulled into the story and pulled into my own writing and being able to really dive into that world in my own head and see what the hell shows up on the doc as a result is a huge reason why i write. (was this an actual answer to the question that was asked? debatable.)

What is a genre/trope that you’ve never written before, but want to try?
i feel like i've done quite a lot of the typical fluffy AU tropes, but i've still never written 'oh no there's only one bed' and would very much like to.

Who are some published authors you look up to?
i've really fallen in love with jodi picoult's work over the past few years. she's really good at weaving complex societal issues into storylines in unique ways that get you to really think through the complexity and nuance of these things - something i definitely strive to do if i ever make the jump into writing original fiction.

If you could give one piece of advice to your fellow writers, what would it be?
try not to be so hard on yourself while you're actually writing - just get the words and thoughts out, then go back and make it pretty. oftentimes, i'll write a massive chunk of dialogue without a single dialogue tag just for the sake of getting the exchange on paper before i forget it - you can make it make sense later. also, hemingway's 'write drunk, edit sober' has never steered me wrong before. ?

What was the most difficult part of the challenge to merge the HP-verse into B99 & How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days?
oh, this is a good one! honestly, probably that there's so much material - especially on the b99 side - that could be worked in, but i can't possibly fit all of it into this 10-day-long story. and so i have to be somewhat selective about what actually makes an appearance, even though, in a perfect world, i'd somehow be able to bring a marauder's era equivalent of every single minor character from b99 into this au somehow.

Do you prefer to write contemporary AU stories over sticking to the HP canonical events? Why or why not?
big fan of contemporary AUs bc james and lily (and remus and sirius and marlene and basically everyone i love) don't have to die. they can live happily ever after and have even more kiddos past harry, which makes my fluff-loving heart very very happy.


We have a very short section this month as many of the Houses hosted their Common Room Awards! However, we do have a couple interviews here for you still!


@Noelle Zingarella was chosen as Gryffindor's Leding Lion for the month of June!

L E A D I N G   L I O N
| N O E L L E   Z I N G A R E L L A |

What’s your defining Gryffindor trait?

That might very well be my lack of subtlety (ask my boss ?) although we'll spin it positive and call it nerve. If there is some injustice that needs calling out, I'm usually the one doing it, even if it might be wiser to keep my mouth shut.

What’s your favorite thing to do on the forums?

Hang out in the Writers Journal section. I enjoy keeping mine and reading other people's.

Tell us about the most Gryffindor thing you’ve done lately.

Recklessly signing up for six challenges at once while still trying to keep pace with my novel. We'll spin that positive and file it under "nerve" as well.

What are three things on your bucket list?

I don't really keep a bucket list, but three things I hope to accomplish in this season of life are: raising my kids into happy, healthy, functional adults; getting my start-up professional singing group off the ground; and learning to tango.

What one item from the magical world would you like to have in your life now and why?

Is it cheating to say a wand? I would master all of the housekeeping spells so that the housework would be done with a swish and flick. Then I'd have more time for everything else. ?


Hufflepuff House interviewed @dreamshadow as their Spotlight on a Puff!

S P O T L I G H T   ON   A   P U F F
| D R E A M S H A D O W |

What is your favorite thing about HPFT?

 The people, hands down. I've been in and out of the Harry Potter community for over a decade (#dinosaur), and HPFT is by far the best corner on the Internet. I've met some of my best friends here, and some of you all have changed my life (for the better). I definitely wouldn't still be lurking around here if it weren't for all of you. I love how supportive and open-minded this community is and how accepting people are, and how willing to learn and adapt everyone is.

If you had a timeturner, what would you use it for?

Oh, geez. Uh... maybe the future? I am lowkey curious to see what my life would look like in five, ten, fifteen years, so I'd probably want a peek at that.

What is your favorite dessert?

 Anything chocolate, but if there's a chocolate mousse cake involved, I am SOLD.

 You recently changed your username. What inspired you to create your new name?

So, I'm not sure if you mean the first time - or the more recent time - so I'll answer both! dreamgazer had been around since I first joined the HP community back in, like, 2003, so I needed an upgrade. secretdreamer was a combination of two usernames, so I went with that for a while, but it still didn't feel right. dreamshadow just kind of hit me one day, and I like how aesthetically pleasing it is. I also feel like my dreams are always just in the shadows, just out of reach because I am really, really good at procrastinating.

What makes you a Hufflepuff?

Uh... choice? Honestly, I flipflop between Slytherin and Hufflepuff, but Hufflepuff has always just felt like home. I love how warm and welcoming and kind everyone is, and the badger basement is definitely the best place to be! (Even though I haven't really been around much, please forgive me ?)

You write a lot about the 100. What do you love about it that inspires you to write?

Bellamy and Clarke? ?Seriously, I love that ship, and they're what keep me coming back even when certain seasons make me angry. But honestly, I'm really attached to all the characters; you can hate someone in season 1 and love them by season 6, or just the opposite. It's what I tell everyone when I try to make them watch the show. Also, it's all about making hard choices, if humanity deserves to survive, etc. Also, the cast is just really, really beautiful. And talented. And yeah, I'm still waiting for Bellamy and Clarke to just kiss already ?

In honor of Pride month, what is your favorite queer ship, and why?

I love so many ships, I don't really have a favorite? I guess Adam Parrish and Ronan Lynch from The Raven Cycle; Adam is some of the best bi representation I've ever seen, and Ronan is just wonderful and amazing. In terms of HP, though, I'm always a sucker for Deamus, Scorbus, or Wolfstar 



@Aphoride won first place in the Prefect's Spring Writing Challenge for her piece Der Traumfänger

R E V I E W   C O L U M N

@Aphoride's winning entry for the Prefect's Spring Writing Challenge (The Four of a Kind Challenge) exemplifies the skill it took to not only stay within the allotted word count borders, but also to integrate four prompts seamlessly within that story as well, even though the requirements were only for three! Laura writes a compelling piece of Albus and Gellert interacting, with the common theme of dreamcatchers (prompt one) throughout the piece and within the dreams & memories Albus experiences. The title of her piece translates literally translates to "The Dreamcatcher" as she mentions in her author's note at the end, so clearly she had no trouble with the object prompt! She sneaks in the Stymphalian birds (prompt two), which, when googled, are a rather terrifying creature, in a way that doesn't let on to their man-eating nature because they are referenced in a simple note from Gellert to Albus. Her way with prose is beautiful, and the narrative flows so smoothly you almost don't notice a scene transition until you're already halfway through the next scene! Her person prompt was a man sitting on a bench holding an unrolled, burning scroll (prompt three), of which she interprets this as Albus holding the newspaper and Gellert setting it on fire; an ingenious move to integrate the prompt and also illustrate the change in the relationship between Gellert and Ablus now compared to the beginning of the fic. They meet at the same place, near a lake with a stone bridge (prompt four) each time, which is poetic and also fitting for this doomed pair. Laura's descriptive writing is honestly so wonderful to read and she did a fantastic job with all of her prompts for this story. If you haven't read it yet, we'd highly recommend you do!



 Welcome to the June edition of In the Spotlight, where we ask you a question for you to answer! Anyone who answers the question in the comments below before the 15th of next month will be entered into a drawing to win a free review!

Monthly Dilemma Winner: @Oregonian! Please PM a Prefect with where you'd like that review to go.

New Dilemma Question: Most of us are preparing for or have already prepared for our final exams so we want to know what is your favorite thing to study and why? 


| credits |
graphics: emma
draft compilation: rumpels
review column (SotM): rumpels
review column (prefect challenge): madi
monthly dilemma: tasha
couriers and interviewers: lexi, joey, tasha, madi, rumpels

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