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In the Spotlight I November 28th, 2019

Bat Stitch Crazy



Welcome to the November 2019 edition of the In the Spotlight blog post! This month we've got all of our usual features along with the return of the Totally Outstanding Awards, Dudes, better known as the TOADs. So why don't you take a break from all the hard work you've all been putting into those NaNo projects and see what we've got in store! 



November's Order of Merlin recipient was @TidalDragon. This month Kevin stepped down after being a core member of the team since the creation of HPFT. Thank you once again Kevin for all of your hard work!

| I N T E R V I E W |

What’s your favorite part of being a GameKeeper for HPFT?

I think my favorite part was trying to entertain people and to keep the community energized with the activities we put on. Whether it was taking the lead on implementation (longer ago) or tossing out some big picture ideas (more recently) what drove me was trying to make them the best for not only the most people but for each type of member of house affiliation. I was lucky to be on staff with such a great group of people that great synergy between ideas and implementation to make that happen (I hope), though it was always far more of a group effort than it was me.

What’s a hobby of yours?

I think there are probably only two legitimate answers for this: mock trial and video games. I've been involved in mock trial for...seventeen years now in some way shape or form...and am in my seventh coaching. I love not only the activity itself and the way it gets my blood flowing, but the community, and the opportunities it provides students just as it once did for me.

Video games I'd say I rekindled my broad-spectrum love for since I bought my son his Switch. I am (and always will be) a Call of Duty junkie, but Mario Kart and Zelda are once again near-daily things along with helping my son learn and enjoy them as well.

Who is your favorite character [from any fandom] and why?

From any fandom? Wow. That's evolved a lot over the years. Since I probably can't pick one by itself, I'm just going to go with the one constant over all the years - Koopa Troopa. He comes in many forms, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, he is incredibly loyal, and though he doesn't live a glamorous life, he's capable of greatness, both alone and in numbers. Now that I'm done trolling though, I really am going to go with him. He's never let me down.

When is the last time you’ve written? What did you write about?

The last time I've written was...tonight, actually! I worked on No Accounting for Taste (my Uni!AU SeekerBell novel). Aside from fic, it was probably the bones of a brief on the use of force by United States law enforcement during encounters with citizens.

What was the last book/story you’ve read?

Oof. This is embarrassing because it's been so long. Discounting this year's mock trial case (which is, to be fair, over a hundred pages long and told through multiple formats and POVs), it's probably been the beginning of A God in Ruins by Kate Atkinson. And by beginning I mean beginning.

Next thing on your to-do list?

The next thing on my actual to-do list is cooking dinner. The next thing on my near-future to-do list is to win the jury trial that's connected to the brief I mentioned above.

What is a pairing you like to read about that isn’t very common and why?

I suppose I'm not allowed to say SeekerBell (Harry/Katie) right? ? Besides them...I honestly don't know how rare this is in the BSG fandom given that it's a canonical pairing (in the reboot anyway), but it's rare to me: Chief/Cally. I suppose I like them because whether it involves ensuring a caste system doesn't fully develop among the survivors or on New Caprica, they've both got fight in them in the name of justice. At the same time, they also deal with a lot of demons, both personally and in the context of their relationship. They can be taken in loads of different directions too which is always enjoyable.

| A D V E R T I S E M E N T |

Title: No Accounting for Taste
Link: +here
Pairings: Harry Potter/Katie Bell


Brilliant banner by the incomparable down-in-flames

There's more to life than crunching numbers. Professors be damned



Our incredible Head Student's this month were @Bunbury and @magpie!

| B U N B U R Y |

What is your favorite place to visit on HPFT?

As it's NaNo, I love visiting Novel Nests! It's so interesting to check out people's projects and processes :) Also, it's a great opportunity to ask them random stuff without seeming like a weirdo.

If there’s one story of yours you would like to tell us about, what would it be and why?

My WIP Inheritance!

On a plot level it's a gothic romance about a woman investigating the mysteries of her past and falling for a tortured hero who just happens to be Severus Snape. Along the way, she befriends a hapless bookstore stooge and eats a lot of sandwiches (seriously, I think there's a sandwich in every chapter).

 On a thematic level it's about how our personalities, choices, and relationships are moulded by our pasts, and whether we can ever unburden ourselves of that (sorry) inheritance.

What drew you to writing about Phineas Nigellus?

Even though he was a bit character, he totally jumped off the page for me from the moment he was sniggeringly introduced in OotP!

Phineas Nigellus is so awful, and so titillated by his own awfulness -- which I found hilarious and kinda delightful. Also, he has a really distinctive voice -- nasty, cutting, aristocratic -- which I was excited to try writing. 

 And I gotta say, writing an unapologetically awful antihero like Phineas has so far been extremely rewarding :P

What’s a fun activity/event you did lately?

Lol, my life is really not very fun. But I've just started drawing -- because apparently I don't have enough ways to procrastinate -- and it's real cool. Crayons are by far my favourite medium.

Do you prefer sweet or sour treats and why?

Definitely sweet! (I actually can't think of a single sour food except. . .lemons? vinegar? But those aren't exactly treats.) 

Not sure I can explain why, so instead I will list sweets that are delicious: the whole domain of pastry; of chocolate; of candy; most fruits; most cocktails.

What makes you a Slytherin? 

My megalomania.

| M A G P I E |

What is your favorite place to visit on HPFT?

 I love to visit my House’s common room. The Hufflepuff Basement is full of immeasurably nice and funny people who will make you feel welcomed, and there’s an abundance of fun games to play.  

If there’s one story of yours you would like to tell us about, what would it be and why?

A Boy Called Blunder. I wrote it for a love triangle challenge on the forums a couple years ago, so I was trying to approach the trope from a different angle: the main character, Edmund, falls for two people who are the same person (James Potter II and a idealised clone). It’s fluffy and (I hope) humorous and cringe-y. It’s very loosely based on the 1985 film The Purple Rose of Cairo, in which Mia Farrow falls into a kind of love triangle with both an actor and a character the actor plays in a film (the character literally steps out of the screen). I’ve scarcely been updating, but it mostly deals with the nature of crushes we have when we’re teens, how we sometimes delude ourselves into believing in a totally idealised version of a person.

Favorite thing about being a Hufflepuff?

Being surrounded by other Puffs, ha ha. We’re a humble, easy-going sort, and there’s a very palpable sense of camaraderie that I just enjoy. 

Which Harry Potter era do you enjoy writing in the most and why?

Next Gen! I think because I feel less restrained by keeping things canon-complaint. We have all of these new characters in a familiar setting. While that’s true of other eras, Next Gen is set in the present time and I just think that’s more appealing/inviting to me, as a writer. 

If you could be a flower, which would you be and why?

Passiflora, or the passion flower. I wish I could give a more substantial answer than “I think they’re neat”—but that’s it, that’s the tweet. I think they’re striking, with their varying patterns, colours, and visual textures.

Summer or Winter?

Summer. Used to be a winter stan when I was younger, but after shovelling immense amounts of snow in recent years and dealing with my own car troubles, I don’t think I can support her anymore. Plus, summer means barbecuing! Yum!




R E V I E W  C O L U M N
| F L O W E R  I N  I T S  D E C A Y |

If you're searching for a rather unique Next-Gen, definitely give flower in its decay by @crestwood some of your attention. One of the most fun qualities of this particular era is the potential it has to step away from the traditionalist Potter-verse. While remaining within the confines of the universe that we all know and love has never been a bad thing, it's sometimes refreshing to step beyond that comfort just to see what can be done with it. This story has done just that -- pushing the bounds of the universe and stepping just outside to explore the beyond.

A particularly appealing angle on this is that the author created a scenario wherein some known-named Next Generation characters have ventured into a new chapter of their lives and begin attending a Muggle University. Lysander Scamander, accompanied by Louis Weasley, begins a life outside of what he's always known, sans magic (at least on campus). The parallel of the pair literally entering a new world (a Muggle World) and the sense of newness that often accompanies that transition from a secondary school to University that can very much feel like slipping into a new world was not missed. 

The voice Joey captures in this is absolutely perfect; it's provokingly thoughtful and yet delicate and sincere enough to be both relatable and believable. There is a certain easiness to it that allows the reader to be captivated by the flow -- a quality that will make it downright binge-worthy.

While there are only two chapters posted as of now, we desperately hope that flower in its decay is updated soon. There is still so much to learn about the friendships, and potential love interests, that are being made so early on. And we all still simply must know who will take top marks in the Advanced French Literature and Translation class and what that class could unlock for Lysander as the story progresses.

I N T E R V I E W   W I T H   T H E   A U T H O R
| C R E S T W O O D |

What inspires you to write?

I’m inspired to write by the lessons that I personally struggled to learn on my own, in hopes that I can make that process slightly easier for someone else. 

What is a genre/trope that you’ve never written before, but want to try?

I want to try writing a particularly twisty thriller, maybe. 

Who are some published authors you look up to?

Last time I said Kelly Link and Hanif Abdurraqib - this time I have to go with Donna Tartt. Practically everything I’ve written in months has been deeply inspired by her work in either plot or theme. 

If you could give one piece of advice to your fellow writers, what would it be?

Write about themes that would have helped you in the past to get yourself to where you are now. Your character’s growth and catharsis can be your own. 

This story is another part of your “Things Change” universe; what’s your favorite part about writing in such an extended universe?

My favorite part is that I often don’t need to think of a plot when I start a new story. I have rough backstories planned for most of the characters, I only need to decide when it is appropriate to bring them up! 

Who do you see more of yourself in and why: Louis Weasley or Lysander Scamander?

I see equal parts of myself in them both. I see them as the two sides of my personality that got loose and grew minds of their own. 



And now, at long last, we present to you the second almost-annual Totally Outstanding Awards, Dudes!  The T.O.A.Ds are the totally un-offical awards brought to you by the Prefects to celebrate the members and staff who have stood out to us over the last year for all of their hard work and contributions to the site. 

As always we would like to point out that these "awards" are NOT affiliated with the Staff or Officially House Cup business, nor are they worth points. They are simply our way to spread some love and put a spotlight on some of the efforts that may otherwise go unnoticed.

If you'd like to use your awards, please make sure to rehost and credit @something wicked


| G R Y F F I N D O R |

Gryffindor may be a small house but it's a strong one, off the back of their House Cup win there were two Lions who stood out to us as deserving an extra shutout. 

To @Noelle Zingarella for jumping right into the House Cup we award:

The Ronald Weasley Award for Having Your Housemates' Backs!



To @Crimson Quill, for being the heart and soul of the Den we award:

 The Albus Dumbledore Award for Always Being The Most Dedicated Lion.



| H U F F L E P U F F |

Hufflepuff have lived up to their house qualities but a couple members jumped out especially for their Puffness!


To @just.a.willow.tree, for her incredible ability to persevere and power through House Cup tasks:

The Helga Hufflepuff Award for Hard Work and House Loyalty


To @Felpata_Lupin, for her Snowball Hugs and ability to bring a smile to anyone's face, we award:

The Newt Scamander Award for Being a Friend To All.



| R A V E N C L A W |

Ravenclaw may be a fairly quiet and studious House, but when they show up, they show up with oodles of caffeine and half-baked theories that provide some of the most hilarious entertainment!


To @potionspartner, for her unwavering cheerleading and support during any and all House Cup events, we award:

The Cho Chang Award for Being the Best Study Buddy


To @facingthenorthwind, for her amazing ability to crack out fic like it's nobody's business, we award:

The Luna Lovegood Award for Prolific Story Creation and Collaboration



| S L Y T H E R I N |

Our Snakes are wily and resourceful as ever when it comes to House Cup events, and two of them really stood out to us!


To @Oregonian, for her unfailing ability to craft the most extraordinary stories with ease, we award:

The Andromeda Tonks Award for Radical Originality


To @pookha, for his unwavering charge forward in all events and his writing, we award:

The Regulus Black Award for Persistence and Tenacity. 



| S T A F F |

They are the diving force behind the site, the hard working team who stop at nothing to keep the dungeons cosy, the kitchens well stocked and the towers snug even as the winter rolls in. The Staff are often the unsung heroes all around, and because of that. we Prefects think they each deserve an award of their own. 

Starting with one of our incredible Headmistresses, @abhorsen.. For having the answers to every question we throw at her, no matter how random or strange, we present:

 The Hermione Granger Award for Being An Insufferable Know It All!



To @Alopex, who has long been the presence behind the scenes making sure everything stays as it should be, we award:

The Bloody Baron Award for Poltergeist Control! 



You may have seen her hanging out on the Social Media or Validating stories on the Archive, or maybe you've noticed her in one of her many, many other roles. For all of her hard work we present @crowsb4bros with:

The Fleur Delacour Award for Completing Many Tasks!



One of our newest staffers but by no means the least, for being a leader to her house we present @Dojh167 with:

The Remus Lupin Award for Believing In Us When We Couldn't.



There's one name that you'll always see popping up during house cup events. She's the driving force behind all of the madness and is always here to help us when we get a little lost. For that reason we award @down-in-flames:  

The Minerva Mcgonagall Award for Putting Up With The Chaos.



To @grumpy cat, our resident expert in the dark arts, evil plots and driving all of us to despair with incredible House Cup events we present:

The Gellert Grindelwald Award for Being An Evil Mastermind.



Our Archive Queen and Validator extraordinaire, the one who manages to power through the queue at what seems like an inhuman speed, to @Inekewe award:

 The Hermione Granger Award for a Bit of Light Reading



One of our wonderful mods and a constant supportive and welcoming voice on the forums, to @MuggleMaybe we award:

The Susan Bones Award for Being the Hufflepuffiest Hufflepuff



For her skill with crafting puzzles and riddles with ease and making logic seem like too easy a route to take to solve them, to @sibilant we award:

 The Rowena Ravelclaw Award for Wit Beyond Measure



She always jumps right on when something's not working right on the forums or the archives and has answers to any and all questions, so to @toomanycurls we award:

 The Madam Pomfrey Award for Fixing All the Things



Validating can be a tricky job, but she's gotten it down pat over the course of her tenure on the Auror squad, so to @Unwritten Curse we award: 

 The Mad-Eye Moody Award for Constant Vigilance and Excellent Auror-ing



Moderating these forums is a job not for the faint-hearted, so it's a good thing she's got a good handle on things and pops into all sorts of places trying to catch students unawares, to @Veritaserum27 we award:

The Severus Snape Award for Corridor Patrol



As a reminder, these awards have no meaning for House Cup Points and are entirely just for fun! We loved coming up with these (increasingly ridiculous) awards for all of you, and the camaraderie that we Prefects get to experience all around the site. Keep up the fun and hard work, and congratulate our TOAD winners!



Up next we've got the usual round up of House news and their monthly award winners! 


F E A T U R E D  F I C
In Hot Pursuit of Charlie Weasley by @Pixileanin

How did you come up with the idea for In Hot Pursuit of Charlie Weasley?

In Hot Pursuit was a challenge piece for another forum, where I had Charlie Weasley and Earthquakes as prompts.  It was awesome coming up with possible connections between the two and figuring out how I could relate all of them to dragons.  Because Earthquakes was such a prominent prompt, I wanted this piece to have a tangible, earthy feel to it, hence all the descriptives and cinematic feel.  I also did a bunch of research on earthquakes as they relate to volcanoes.  

What’s your favorite genre to write, and why?

I love mysteries and the great puzzles they manifest when I'm putting them together.  They are a lot of work, but it's always worth it in the end.

Describe your perfect writing environment.

Ah, haha.  I haven't been in a perfect writing environment for years.  This last year was spent handwriting an OF novel in a series of spiral bound notebooks in car lines, parking lots and conference rooms... in 15 minute increments.  The rare times when I have had a two hour  block to write, the silence was so deafening that I ended up doing household chores instead of writing.  It's never perfect.  It's just a matter of making words whenever I have the time.  

You also write OF: what advice do you have for anyone looking to venture into the area?

Find a tribe. FF has a wonderful plethora of communities, and while there are OF online communities out there, it's never about being able to discuss your own characters or plot, because everyone has their own... not like FF, where we all can talk confidently about Sirius Black being 'in character' or 'not'.  It's lonely, so find people to take the journey with you.  Writers, or otherwise.  If you're in an area that has them, visit local writer groups.  Visit more than one, because they each have their own vibe and you may need to shop around to find the people that resonate with you best.  Meeting writers face-to-face, being able to shake hands with people who write OF regularly and successfully (meaning, they finish stories) is the best way to give yourself the confidence that this is being done every day by everyday people, and you can be one of them too. 

Your AP is filled with so many HP characters and stories. Do you have a favorite character to write about, and if so, who is it and for what reason?

I don't really have a favorite character to write.  My favorite things to write about are what I feel haven't been written about before, or even better, taking a common theme and turning it to look at it from a new angle.  I guess you could say my favorite thing to write about is what surprises me. If it surprises me, then there's half a chance the reader will be surprised too.

L E A D I N G  L I O N
@belgian quaffle

First topic, you as a human. Staying engaged on the forums while actively and persistently writing can be a challenge for many. It can be even more challenging when you add outside obligations. How do you maintain the balance in your own life?

lol what's a work life balance????

In all seriousness, I'd say it's a lot of scheduling and knowing what you need as a person. My iPhone calendar is literally my best friend in terms of staying on top of things in real life. And as I've grown older it's become a lot easier to know when and what I need to do to de-stress and to actively take care of that and myself and know when to just powering through (i am a big fan of the "power through, it'll pass eventually" thing)

What's the secret behind your ability to maintain such positive energy?

Hilariously, one of my coworkers asked me a similar question just last week (though she phrased it a bit differently when she asked it at 8am- are you always this perky).

The secret is coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. Like 4+ cups a day. Your boss might make fun of you for it and tell you that just witnessing you bouncing around the office exhausts you but them's the times.

Next, you as a writer. Finishing a novel is an incredible feat, something you were able to achieve with Home. What was your most difficult moment when writing that story and how did you get through it?

Would it be cheating to say the ending? It felt really difficult to find the right way to wrap everything up with these characters- like people you've become so attached to after writing for so long, I really wanted to find something that did them all justice, you know? So it actually took me a while to write the ending to home, I think partially because I didn't want to actually be done with it and partially because I wanted to make sure that the ending was an ending that they deserved too. I guess I just powered through it? Tweaked things until they were up to standard? I'm honestly not 100% sure what I did to make it so, but that sounds on brand.

I've had the pleasure of reading a number of your stories and it's hard for me to pick one favorite. If you had to choose one of your stories that you love the most which would it be? If Home is your favorite, what's second?

Home is probably my favorite because it's the longest- like both in length and in my heart. I'm definitely really attached to it and the characters. A second favorite? Ehh that's tough. It might vary day to day, depending on how frustrated I am writing them ? Curious Traveler and blood in the water are definitely up there though. And maybe the yet to be finished jily curling monster one-shot? I'm pretty attached to that one too now, ngl.

Everybody has their faves but, including OCs, you've written around ten different relationships in your stories. Which is your favorite to write? And if you have one, what's your OTP?

I LOVED writing James/Carson- they had such fun banter and teasing! Right now I'm really loving Victoriya/James in Curious Traveler. I'm not quite sure I've got an OTP to write. They've all been fun for different reasons! To read, it's jily- all the way and forever


P U F F  O F  T H E  M O N T H

Congratulations on making Hufflepuff of the Month! How do you feel about this recognition?

Thank you! It was really a surprise! I feel very lucky to share this house with all of you!

What's the most fun thing about being on the HPFT staff?

Honestly, my favorite thing has been getting to know the other staff better, and especially the admin. They are amazing people! I also wrote the riddles for the first room in the Department of Mysteries. That was something I'd never tried before, and I actually had a lot of fun with it.

What are your favourite genres to read and write?

It's hard to decide. As far as reading goes, I have a soft spot for YA fantasy, but I've really been getting into mystery lately. I recently read this mystery/suspense book called Sadie that was incredible, although incredibly disturbing and definitely M rated. But so good! For writing... I don't know? I am interested in trying to write a mystery because I think there are a lot of interesting ways to play with that, and maybe combine it with fantasy, ala Six of Crows.

Those of us who follow you on Twitter know that you recently got kitten. Can you tell us about that?

YES! YES I CAN! I already had a wonderful, snuggly, occasionally demonic kitty named Risa. I thought she might be less demonic if she had a kitty friend, and the local humane society had a kitten available. It was fate. Kitten's name is Mancha, and she is very sweet. (Kitty friendship remains a work in progress.)


C L A W  O F  T H E  M O N T H

If you could change one thing about the Harry Potter series, what would it be?

I'd like to set Sirius Black alive with Harry.

Best thing about being a 'Claw?

The Ravenclaw House has a lot of unique authors as well as the Gryffindor's. That's what I respect.

Favourite historical figure?

Kazuo Ishiguro, Seamus Heany and W.B.Yeats got the Nobel prizes in literature.

Do you write for any other fandoms or do you plan to?

Maybe Shinkai Makoto's Weathering With You.

You have hosted a few challenges centered around the aurors of Harry Potter. What draws you to that career field? (submitted by @crowsb4bros)

The career field brings action in the story, so I love it. :)

S T O R Y  O F  T H E  M O N T H
Loyalties Undefined by @potionspartner

What made you want to write an espionage story?

I had just finished an historical fiction story about a World War I spy. Then @Crimson Quill gave me my picspam for the challenge. I kept trying to twist the pictures into a spy story until it worked.

You’ve written in a lot of Harry Potter eras; which one is your favorite and why?

I don't really have a favorite. I'm most comfortable with the Second Wizarding World, but some of my best stories have come from other eras. I think it's the characters and conflict that inspire me more. 

Do you have an estimate for how long this story will be, word count or chapter-wise?

I, honestly, have no clue. I usually don't post until I'm almost certain how the story will play out. (For my long novel, I was at chapter 40 before I posted chapter one.) However, I had a challenge deadline, so you got it early. I still have a lot of research to do and a lot of vague ideas in my head to nail down. 

Favorite place/setting to write in and why?

Someplace quiet. It used to be the sitting room, which is away from the TV, but my posture wasn't very ergonomic on the futon and my body was complaining, so back to the hardback chair and table.


S N A K E  O F  T H E  M O N T H
@grumpy cat

Who is the character you’ve least enjoyed writing? (You don’t necessarily have to dislike the character; just a least favorite to write.)

:hmm: this is so difficult because, honestly, i don't think i could write them if i didn't enjoy doing it. maybe victoire because her storyline is very close to me, in a way, and writing her is partly me dealing with myself :kris:

Have you shown anyone in your real life your writing?

fanfics nope, but ever since i was a kid, i've been thinking up (often outrageous) stories and i wrote a lot of stuff for my croatian and english classes during school which i had no issue showing anybody who would read it. i'm very self-centered and live on external validation raspa.gif

What was the most difficult thing you’ve ever written?

dark days. as i already said, this story is extremely personal for me, i cried while i was writing it but at the same time when i saw abby's feminism is for everyone challenge, the story poured out of me. i don't like to talk about it too much and i even kinda shirk away from reading reviews on it :kris:

If you had to be an animal, would you prefer being a land animal or an aquatic animal?

land animal for sure. cat, to be precise. :P  i like the idea of being fluffy, living with a crazy cat lady that feeds me and pets me and i don't have to do anything but look cute.

S T O R Y  O F  T H E  M O N T H
Growing Up Lovegood-Potter (GULP) by @pookha

Who is the character you’ve enjoyed writing the most (can be either an OC or a fandom character)?

The character I enjoy writing the most is Luna. I think it's because I identify more as Hermione in real life, including her bad points and wish I were more Luna-like. I've written her so much and it's usually well-received when I do, so I feel that I get her inherent Luna-ness down and people enjoy it. Currently, the character I'm enjoying writing the most is Pandora Lovegood-Potter (daughter of Luna and Harry, twin sister of Lily). Pandora has an attitude that I enjoy writing (think Ronan from The Raven Boys).

What has surprised you the most in your writing journey?

I think the thing that's the surprised me the most is the friends that I've made along the way and the way they've changed my attitudes. I grew up in a very racist and homophobic house, with the 'N' word and homophobic slurs not just used derogatorily, but just as a matter of course. I went to a conservative university out of high school, but was never happy there, and when I moved across the country went to a more liberal school. My eyes were slightly opened there, but it really took fanfic to bring me closer to understanding just how toxic that was. Just being in the fandom and being exposed to slash-fic really helped and being able to contact people and get their point of view on the issues made a difference. I gradually started writing a more realistic world, and including LGBTQA+ people in it, where I would have excluded them before. The people and friends that helped along the way have helped me grow. I'm not claiming to be 'woke,' just better than I was, and it's a journey that will never end as I try to overcome a prejudiced childhood.

How do you combat writer’s block?

The advantage of having lots of WIPS is that there's always something to write, so I would combat writer's block by just writing something else. Usually, I will write a domestic story and that will help clear the mind.

What’s the best thing you can do with 20 pounds (~9 kg) of feathers?

If I had 20 lbs of feathers, I would fill a large box with them and watch my cat Gremlin leap in and play with them, and would feel sad because Sophie (my cat who passed away last year) would have enjoyed it even more.


Welcome to the November Monthly Dilemma! Each month, we will ask a question! You have until the fifteenth of the following month (in this case, December 15th) to answer the question to be entered into a raffle for a free review.

Last's month's winner was: @toomanycurlsPlease contact a prefect to tell us where you'd like your review!

This month's dilemma: What is your favorite holiday dish?

graphics and awards: deni
oom adverts, sotm review column: rumpels
monthly dilemma: tasha
reviewers: rumpels
interviewers and couriers: madi, sarah, joey, rumpels, tasha
blog compilation: deni, sarah, madi




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