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In the Spotlight | December 28th, 2019

belgian quaffle



Welcome to the last In the Spotlight of 2019, and of the Decade! We've got your usual Order of Merlin interview and story advertisement, Head Student Interviews, and monthly awards rounded up. Read on for an interesting monthly dilemma and for stories you should definitely check out before the year's out! 


December's Order of Merlin was award to one of our fearless Aurors, @sibilant! She's a force on the archive (and now planning events), and she's got such lovely stories and poetry up on the archives you should check out immediately. Thanks for all of the hard work you put into HPFT, Shreya! ^_^ 

| I N T E R V I E W |

What’s your favorite part of being an Auror for HPFT?

I really love getting to read such a diverse variety of fics from people; I’ve definitely discovered new favorite fics while in the queue, which is awesome (especially if they’re multi-chapters ;)). Also the Auror team is full of genuinely the best people in the world and they’re a delight to work with ❤️

What’s a hobby of yours?

A hobby I’ve recently discovered is knitting! I’m still learning, but it’s a very therapeutic and fun thing to do :)

Who is your favorite character [from any fandom] and why?

Ooooh. I’ve been thinking a lot about The Good Place recently, and my favorite character from TGP is Chidi. Not only do I relate to him so much (SO MUCH), but I’ve really loved his character growth. It’s been a very personally fulfilling experience watching his journey and I’m going to be really sad when the show ends. Also William Jackson Harper is just ?

When is the last time you’ve written? What did you write about?

Omg it’s been so long ? I haven’t written anything in a while, but the last thing I was planning was a James II/OC novel, mostly about love and self love. I began planning it over the summer and I’ve recently revisited it, and will hopefully be done planning it before I go back to school :D

What was the last book/story you’ve read?

I’m currently reading All About Love by bell hooks, which is an incredibly nourishing and powerful treatise on how people (especially women) have latched onto misconceptions of what love is and should be, and about what we can do to make the world a more loving place. It’s the sort of book that I have to read with my journal beside me because I just have so many thoughts and reactions and feelings about it. 10/10 recommend, esp if you’re writing romance fic.

What is in your current TBR fic list?

The fic I’ve really been meaning to read in its entirety is Notes from the Ravenclaw Bulletin Board by Lost Robin. I read some of it in the queue and loved it, but want to read it in its entirety and cohesion. I also really need to get caught up on All The Waves Resounded by BookDinosaur!

What do you find helps with balancing school and HPFT duties?

Ahhh I don’t balance it sometimes ? Definitely when I’m in school, I view HPFT as a way to de-stress, so I try to log into the forums daily when I need to take a break from school stuff. HPFT is always there for me and I appreciate that so much ❤️

| A D V E R T I S E M E N T |

Story Title: an exercise in mediocrity
Link: here+
Pairings: OC/OC, Oliver Wood/OC



mindblowing banner by starbuck. @ TDA!

Lila Wadcock had only planned to blackmail Oliver Wood to save her family's shop. She hadn't planned for him to blackmail her back, or to end up in a fake relationship with him. And she certainly hadn't planned to fall in love with him.

A story of unremarkable Quidditch shops, conflicting schemes, and bravery.


Our Head Students this month were the lovely @RonsGirlFriday and @pookha

| R O N S G I R L F R I D A Y |

What is your favorite place to visit on HPFT?

The Story Challenges. I've always loved doing challenges, and some of my favorite works I've done have come about that way. I'm endlessly impressed by the types of challenges other authors set and my fellow participants' entries, and I like to get that little push I sometimes need to write something outside of my comfort zone or something I wouldn't have considered on my own.

If there’s one story of yours you would like to tell us about, what would it be and why?

Ignatius (T). I'm not exactly quiet about the fact that I love writing Percy, and I'm almost inclined to suggest one of my fics where I write him more light-hearted because that side of him is often ignored - but this fic is one where I delve into his head at a critical point in canon. It's a character arc we all know, but we don't see firsthand what is actually going on with him during DH. Drawing inspiration from his middle name, I use religion as one of the themes and paint Percy as a lapsed Catholic shouldering the guilt that comes with that on top of the guilt over splitting from his family, working in the Ministry and, ultimately, the grief over Fred's death. I also draw some Biblical parallels in the narrative; Percy is, most obviously, the Prodigal Son, but he is also a little bit Judas and a little bit Peter, among other figures.

I also take a slightly different approach than other Percy-during-DH fics. I've seen some great fics where Percy takes an active role in the resistance ( @Aphoride has a great one, by the way, Saboteurs), but I've envisioned him as more passive, more isolated, and more afraid, even to the point of being paralyzed by that fear. Ultimately, he still has value as a person despite not acting in a stereotypically heroic way.

What is your most Ravenclaw trait and why?

I think I'm very good at analyzing an issue or dispute from both sides. I have to do this in my profession, and I can do it with personal disputes, political and social controversies, etc. Sometimes you need to be able to analyze how the opposing side thinks in order to 1) anticipate their next moves or arguments, 2) craft the most persuasive arguments for your own side, and 3) challenge your own assumptions.

Candy bars or lollipops/suckers?

Candy bars! I am a chocoholic.

Got a fic you’ve recently read to recommend?

This is a difficult question to answer on a site full of amazing writers, but...run, don't walk, to read Bring Your Curses Home by @facingthenorthwind. Holy cow. I hope Emma updates soon. It's a completely original idea, chock full of thought-provoking themes, and features a minor character as the star and a diverse supporting cast.

What got you into fanfiction in the first place and why?

I recall having that feeling of Well, what now? after I finished reading Deathly Hallows, and I think that had a lot to do with it. I wanted to continue to be immersed in this world. It's been so long since I published my first fanfic (in 2009) that I don't exactly remember what made me finally do it a year and a half after reading DH, but I think at that point I was just burning out in my last year of law school and desperately needed some escapism. I didn't want to leave alone the characters I had grown to love so much.

| P O O K H A |

What is your favorite place to visit on HPFT?

Usually when I log in, I click the 'all activity' button and read through to see what's going on. A lot of time, I don't have the time to look at everything, so I try to stop by the Slytherin common room the most. 

If there’s one story of yours you would like to tell us about, what would it be and why?

I'm sure it will surprise no one that 'Sleep Without Pain' is the most personal of my stories with Ron and Hermione struggling with Crookshanks's end of life. I wrote it at a time that I knew my cat Sophie was ill and I wasn't sure how I'd react in that time. When Sophie passed away last year, I dedicated the story to her. I think it shows how animals really affect people's lives and how we feel when it's their time.

Slytherclaw or Raverin?

Last year, I would have said Raverin, since I always thought that my intelligence was my best quality, but lately, I've thought that my Slytherin qualities were more forefront, so recently I changed houses and now I would say Slytherclaw. 

Do you have a favorite board/card/video game to play?

I have played Magic the Gathering pretty much since its release, with a few years gap when I didn't. For a while, I was a competitive player (but not a pro), but it really pushed my negative buttons with nerd rage and #ragequit. I had to stop for a while until I was in a healthier place with regards to going on tilt. Now I play for fun on Magic Arena and when it starts to gets too much, I'll stop for the day. My wife has helped me identify when this is happening more and will tell me to turn the computer off.

I collected board games for a while and once had close to 300, but the closet space was too much. I gave away or sold the ones we didn't play. Favorite now is Gaia Project which is Terra Mystica in space. It's a perfect information, zero luck, Eurogame exploration of space and settling space with various alien races. 

I have also played D&D for more than 30 years and have played with the same group for 15+ years. Having three married couples playing gives our groups a good dynamic. In the campaign where I am the DM, my PCs are on the world of Ravnica from Magic the Gathering. In the campaign where I am a player, I am a Tengu (or kenku, if you prefer) ranger that my wife built, then the DM had us pass our characters to the person on the left (who got the Lobstrosity cleric of Poseidon that I made).

Streaming music or buying albums?

I do both. I am streaming 'Dear Evan Hansen' as I write this on Amazon music, and listen to it extensively at work and driving, but I also have lots of physical CDs, the last of which we got was Hadestown. I believe they each have their own dynamics and can be enjoyed in different ways.


Phineas Nigellus: Vampire Hunter by @Bunbury

R E V I E W   C O L U M N
| P H I N E A S   N I G E L L U S :   V A M P I R E   H U N T E R |

If you're searching for a story that's different from any others, look no further than Phineas Nigellus: Vampire Hunter. The comedy is suberb, weaved in a narration that is expertly done and brilliantly written! The voice of Phineas Nigellus is truly a delight to read; you'll find yourself laughing out loud as he comments to friends and family (or just while reading while reading the narration). 

The year is 1875 and Phineas Nigellus Black is the heir to his family's name, engaged to a woman befitting such a status, and filled with a sarcastic and melodramatic attitude you'll recognize from his limited appearances in the books. An interesting meeting with a stranger at his engagement party sets off a string of events certain to cause trouble...apparently until the end of his days, if he doesn't learn to do something about it. There's two chapters up on the archive currently and we're all eagerly waiting for more of this delightful fic!


Next up, our usual gathering of the monthly House award winners! Keep an eye out next month as well, as we'll be posting a double-feature for some houses!


F E A T U R E D   F I C
The Atypical Assignment by @FlamingQuilltips

How did you come up with the idea for The Atypical Assignment?

I've been on a really long hiatus from writing due to personal life and struggled to get something off the paper. I saw the non-fiction challenge and thought that might not be a bad one to attempt for. It started out as an op-ed by Lily Evans, with side note commentary by James - which then led to me wanting to capture all the Marauders' voices!

What’s your favorite genre to write, and why?

Ah, this one is a bit hard especially since my writing has evolved over the past 10 years since I started writing fanfiction. I probably write Young Adult more than any other genre, and enjoy that the most!

Describe your perfect writing environment.

A warm fireplace, snow falling outside my windows, a cup of hot cocoa and around 2 in the morning! I've had all of that except the fireplace till now - but I'll get there one day, haha. 

What's one story you'd still like to tell?

I just want to complete my 'Once Upon The Marauders'. That's my baby, my pet project and I really need to start working more on breaking that writer's block and getting back t it. 

Who is your favorite Marauder to write and why?

Oh nooo, how can I pick just one? They're all so complex and uniquely challenging to write. If I had to pick one (and I'm not playing favorites :-P) I do find writing Lily the most challenging. My headcanon of Lily doesn't fir the goody-two-shoes prefect mould, and I try to find a balance between the Prefect-Lily and the Lily whose rebellious and fun-loving nature led James to fall for her. Striking that balance, and still making sure she comes across as an imperfect teenager who makes her share of stupid mistakes is something I love to tackle every time I write Lily.

L E A D I N G   L I O N

What’s your defining Gryffindor trait?

This is actually quite a difficult question, but if I had to narrow it down to one thing I would say a very strong sense of right and wrong and the need to do what is right rather than what is easy.

What’s your favorite thing to do on the forums?

I love stalking the story challenges. My muse has been conspicuous by her absence this year but it's fun to try to come up with ideas.

Or, unless House Cup challenges count. Then definitely those. My competitive streak rears its ugly head every time the House Cup is brought up. Did I mention I love the challenges?

Tell us about the most Gryffindor thing you’ve done lately.

Oh dear me. Would it be driving 10km out of my way to take styrofoam to a recycling plant so it doesn't go into landfill, or would it be standing up for a Moslem woman who was being hassled in the street yesterday, or would it be helping an elderly woman reverse her car in the IKEA car park because someone had parked her in?

Would you rather travel anywhere in the world in the current year or to any year but have to stay in your town?

Anywhere in the world. Definitely. My town has NEVER been interesting enough to make it even an option.

What class in Hogwarts would you most like to take?

Charms. There is just something about the idea of that class that really appeals to me.


S T O R Y   O F   T H E   M O N T H
What We Saw From The Cheap Seats by @magpie

P U F F   O F   T H E   M O N T H

Congratulations on making Hufflepuff of the Month! How do you feel about this recognition?

Oh my!! Thank you so much! Life has been a little, say, challenging lately, so this is a super-lovely surprise!! ❤️

Elder Wand, Resurrection Stone or Invisibility Cloak?

Invisibility Cloak; just to be able to hide quietly under it right now would be wonderful

Are there any writing projects you are working on - or thinking about working on - at the moment?

I have a number of plots circulating in my mind, mostly focusing on next-gen characters and a few OCs. Whether they will make it from brain to computer remains to be seen  ?

Coffee or tea?

Tea. All the tea. Anytime, anywhere. I live off the stuff!

One goal for the new year?

Be more appreciative  ❤️


S T O R Y   O F   T H E   M O N T H
stranger things by @blackballet

How did you come up with the idea for a half-inferius teenager protagonist?

The idea actually stemmed from some personal investigation into the experimentation that comes along with war, specifically WW II, unfortunately. I tend to write very emotionally charged and invested characters, and I thought Charlotte's disinterest in others would be an additional challenge for me. The mindlessness of inferius and the idea that Voldemort might have been experimenting with the limits of them is how this was conceptualized. 

Why did you choose the setting of the First Wizarding War?

The First Wizarding War, to me, is a setting for the type of experimentation mentioned above. I also ADORE the Marauders Era, and thought it would be great for Charlotte to be able to interact with Remus as a student, as he also has an "affliction" as Charlotte has so quaintly dubbed it. Sirius Black is golden. **There is something about Charlotte that requires her existence in the pre-Harry era that is kind of spoilery/easter-eggy that no one has found out about yet as far as the reviews reflect!!**

Cake or pie?

Ooh, I would say pie. I like the accountability of a good pie. 

What kind of music do you typically listen when writing?

I typically listen to music that reflects the mood of the scene I am writing! Generally, artists I've loved for stranger things are The Lumineers, Iron & Wine, Florence and the Machine, The Postal Service, The Strokes, Billie Eilish, Hozier, and Pixies. 

C L A W   O F   T H E   M O N T H

Do you have a favourite fanfic that you go back to from time to time and re-read it? 

I've been terrible about reading fic lately, but there are some fics I do enjoy going back to when I have the time (and can remember their titles ?) There are a couple of Bellarke fics on AO3 that haven't been updated in ages that I continue to keep hoping on, but otherwise I enjoy Delilah's Black Book of Poems by Dark Whisper, Rabbit Heart by @Pixileanin, and Traitorous Hearts by @Penelope Inkwell on the HPFT archives. :)

If you could only take one HP character to a musical with you, which character would you pick and which musical would you select? 

Oh boy, this is a toughie! This is so typically Ravenclaw of me, but I would probably take Luna Lovegood with me to go see Hadestown because she could definitely appreciate all of the symbolism in that story and the beautiful music ?

What Claw attributes are you most likely to apply to your characters? 

Ooh ooh ooh! I definitely make them overthink a lot of the situations they're in quite often. Or, I make them spiral into worry or concern about a very small thing (me during the Halloween event, anyone?) that in fact does not have as big of an impact on their life as they thought it would. 

What's your favourite musical/play? 

You dare to make me choose?? I'm hurt :P Well, my current obsession is Waitress, but I think my *favorite* is going to have to be Anastasia or Hadestown, because the music for both is SO GOOD, but I've only seen Anastasia and it's got a spot in my heart from the 1997 movie. 

What is a musical/play you still want to see?

I want to see ALL of the things, okay? But top of my bucket list is definitely Hadestown, closely followed by Wicked and Beetlejuice. 

What is your favourite soundtrack? 

My favorite soundtrack is very dependent on mood/season, but I definitely think the Waitress soundtrack is one of my top faves. If I can throw in Starkid musicals too, then The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals is also a top favorite. ^_^ 


S T O R Y  O F  T H E  M O N T H
Until the Sun Falls by @MrsDarcy

S N A K E  O F  T H E  M O N T H


Welcome to the December Monthly Dilemma, and the last one of the year! Each month, we will ask a question! You have until the fifteenth of the following month (in this case, January 15th) to answer the question to be entered into a raffle for a free review.

Last Month's Winners: @just.a.willow.tree and @facingthenorthwind! Please PM a Prefect to tell us where you'd like a review! 

This Month's Dilemma: In the spirit of new beginnings and a new decade, What is something new you are looking forward to in 2020? 

graphics and awards: taylor
oom adverts, sotm review column: madi, sarah
monthly dilemma: tasha
reviewers: joey
interviewers and couriers: madi, sarah, joey, tasha
blog compilation: madi, sarah

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