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June 2019 Bulletin






Welcome to HPFT's June's bulletin, where you can find all of our major monthly announcements, information about house yearly awards, and more!


If you're new, welcome to HPFT! It's awesome to have you with us. :D HPFanficTalk is a forum/archive - the forum is Harry Potter-themed (including a year-long house cup), but we talk about other fandoms, too, and the archive is multi-fandom/OF. ^_^  We have a strong culture of support for other writers and feedback here, including a story help section, challenges, and reviewing events, so if you're a writer, you've come to the right place. :P

A quick rundown to help you get started here on the forums: please post in the 'Welcome to HPFT' topic +here to say that you've read over the rules and understand them. You can specify your house in that post or in our sorting ceremony +here - once you do, we'll sort you into the right group so you can see a common room that only people in your house are allowed to see. ^_^ You're welcome to post in your common room and/or in our introductions forum +here to introduce yourself if you'd like, and you may also find our +FAQs helpful.

Enjoy your stay! 



We are sad to announce that @LadyL8 will be stepping down as a Professor. She's done so much for the site over the past three years, and we've been so lucky to have her on board for it. ❤️ Best of luck, Lotte!

We are pleased to announce that @grumpy cat will be joining the team as a Professor, whereas @sibilant will be joining both the Auror and Ravenclaw newsletter teams! In addition, @galadriel will be joining the ML team part-time in addition to her Professor duties.

Thank you, Lotte! Congratulations, Kristina, Shreya, and Nim! ❤️ 


Do you want to help out behind the scenes? If so, you're in luck! Applications for all staff, prefect, and house newsletter editor positions are open for the next week. :DThere's no post count/join date limit, and you can apply for as many positions as you like - it's all on one application. A detailed rundown on how HPFT staffing works can be found +here, and you can find the application +here. If you're interested, please apply by Midnight EST on June 10th.

If you applied in April or May, you don't need to apply again unless you'd like to apply for additional positions or change your answers - we will still consider you this month. ^_^


As our House awards finish up and another House Cup year draws to a close, there’s still one more event in store. This year’s Finale event will be spread out over six weeks instead of the usual four - keep an eye on the House Cup sub-forum around mid-June for the fun to begin! We hear the Minister for Magic is announcing her retirement any day now...



POGs have begun in Gryffindor Tower! The voting threads are open until June 6th and be sure to look out for the livestream on June 8th for the announcement of the winners! Gryffindor didn't recognized a featured fic this month to allow for maximim POGS-ing, but congrats to @Noelle Zingarella, this month's Leading Lion! 


In the Hufflepuff Common Room the Golden Chalices are well underway! Nominations have ended and the time to vote for the finalists is coming close, so feel free to read up on all of our finalists while you still can!


Ravenclaw didn't do Claw or Story of the Month for May as we have been holding our annual Nargles Awards this month! Voting is done, so check out the livestream on the HPFT YouTube channel where we announced the winners! Also, keep your eyes peeled for a fun twist on our usual Blue vs. Bronze Review battles in June!


The month of May Slytherin had their Annual My Father Will Hear About This Award nominations and voting period. So due to this we held off on our Snake Of The Month And Story Of The Month voting till June! The announcement for the winners of the MFWHATA will happen June 5th!


Our first Head Student of the Month has been a familiar face on the site for quite a while now. She's incredibly active on the site and archives, but most specifically when it comes to leaving reviews either on her own or through swaps. That, and her tendency to start snowball hugs, makes her out first Head Student of the month. Please give it up for...



Our second Head Student of the month has been very engaging with other members, spreading love around through comments and being very active on the forum in general, making sure nobody is overlooked and gets a bit of love. So please give it up for our second Head Student of this month...




Congratulations to both of you - we love having you in our community! ❤️ Please PM @abhorsen. with your choice of story you'd like to have featured next month!



This month's Order of Merlin award is going to someone who may not be super visible on the site but is an active member of her House and hangs out quite a lot in the common room. They help run a lot of activities in the 'Puff CR and also do a lot with the monthly Puff newsletter, Hear Ye Hufflepuff! She's been such an asset to staff for a few years now, and we couldn't be happier to recognize @LadyL8! Lotte does so much behind the scenes as a moderator, and it takes a lot to get a site up and running and she is instrumental in keeping it going with moderating sitewide activities and Puff events. She does such a wonderful job and deserves all the love for all she's done as a staffer and as a lovely human being on this site! 


June's Story of the Month is:


9.9 out of 10, Highly Recommend by @down-in-flames!


2 bets. 10 days. Endless shenanigans.


Brooklyn 99 meets How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, written for MuggleMaybe's [Blank] Meets [Blank] challenge


May's Fic Night story was @MadiMalfoy's A Letter Like Immortality. You can check out @TidalDragon reading them on +our youtube page if you haven't seen it yet! ^_^


This month, we're featuring a story from a recent head student, the site's story of the month and fic night story, one Nargles winner, and some of the top three stories from this year's FROGS 'Best non-Harry Potter Fandom,' 'Best Angst', 'Best Friendship' categories, and several staff picks. Don't forget to stop by HPFT's Social Media pages throughout the month [Twitter | Tumblr | Facebook] to claim your free gift from the ML team!

Hey, Rajwa9.9 Out of 10, Highly Recommendpurgatory.Deathly Hallows BluesLight My WayA Letter is Like ImmortalityThe Anne Clarke ChronicleThe Madness of MagicOf Bookshelves and Baby CarriersWell Isn't This Wizzo?ghostsGlass

Congratulations, @down-in-flames, @dirigibleplums, @galadriel, @Ineke, @lovegood27, @MadiMalfoy, @MrsDarcy, @Phoenix Potioneer, @Pixileanin, @poppunkpadfoot, @RoRoWeasley, @sibilant, and @sunshine_locks!


June 20 - The [Blank] Meets [Blank] Challenge by @MuggleMaybe

June 30 - The Open Road Challenge by @you-make-me-wander

July 1 - The More Than A Stereotype Challenge by @MalfoysAngel

July 1 - The Take A Back Road Challenge by @clevernotbrilliant

July 5 - The Spinoff Challenge by @crestwood

July 10 - The Shaking Up Shakespeare Challenge by @nott theodore

July 31 - The Make Me Like Sirius Black Challenge by @Noelle Zingarella


1 - @Deeds; @Thestias

2 - @Slide

3 - @copilot

4 - @ImaRavenclaw; @manno-malfoy

6 - @clevernotbrilliant

9 - @VoxVocisCruora

21 - @TreacleTart

22 - @ichigopan

23 - @Rose Ameile Hunter; @AngelEyez3954

27 - @facingthenorthwind


Bulletin written and/or compiled by @Ineke and @abhorsen. (mostly Ineke this month, she's amazing). Site news write-up by @down-in-flames. Gryffindor's House Submission was written by @belgian quaffle, Hufflepuff's was written by @Ineke, Ravenclaw's was written by @MadiMalfoy, and Slytherin's was written by  @Lacey Black. Order of Merlin written by @MadiMalfoyAll graphics by @abhorsen.. Featured staff picks by @abhorsen. (Hey, Rajwa), @galadriel (Glass), @MadiMalfoy (The Madness of Magic), and @Rumpelstiltskin (The Anne Clarke Chronicle).

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