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Contributors to this blog

  • magemadi 27
  • Bat Stitch Crazy 14
  • Darling_take_off_the_mask 13
  • belgian quaffle 10
  • something wicked 9
  • just.a.willow.tree 5
  • facingthenorthwind 3
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  • down-in-flames 1
  • ShazaLupin 1

In the Spotlight | 4 May 2022





Welcome to the belated April edition of In the Spotlight! We've changed up our interview questions and hope you'll enjoy this (last) month's interviews and news!



April's Staffer of the Month wears many hats both here and IRL and is working constantly and tirelessly behind the scenes here at FFT: @down-in-flames!

| D O W N - I N - F L A M E S |

Coffee or tea?

coffee is the only correct answer to this question.

Tell us about your pets (if you have no pets, please tell us your feelings on badgers)

i have two demon children named ollie and greg. ollie's interests include eating plastic at 3am and scream-crying at the door any time i try to leave. greg's interests, on the other hand, favor launching himself into my wall (and getting stuck there) while i'm on zoom calls and climbing into the dishwasher when he thinks i'm not looking. they embody the energy of the two incompetent sidekicks to the evil villain in disney movies (think the hyenas in lion king or pain and panic in hercules) and quite frankly i would die for them.

Be honest: How many books are on your TBR list that you've already acquired but haven't started yet? Which one are you most looking forward to?

i very rarely buy physical books, so four. most of them are law or law-adjacent books. the only one that isn't is if we were villains by m.l. rio - therefore, it wins most anticipated by default.

Share your favorite sentence or two you've written recently (up to 50 words).

the closing line of one of my fluff challenge chapters -

"Infuriating though he might be, she’s known since she was seventeen that if there was anyone she’d want to tie herself to for the rest of her life, it would be him. He’s the person her heart’s arrow has chosen, and her aim remains true."



There was no Story of the Month for April due to the Inkys. SOTM resumed for the month of May, and the June nominations thread will be posted shortly!



Find her hanging out in everyone's NaNo Nests; April's Member of the Month is @belgian quaffle!

I N T E R V I E W 
| B E L G I A N Q U A F F L E |

Coffee or tea?

coffee, 100%, always

Tell us about your pets (if you have no pets, please tell us your feelings on badgers)

i currently have no pets, but i really hate not having a dog even though i know i don't have the time to dedicate to one. i'm hoping my parents get the puppy they're thinking about so i can go steal puppy cuddles! so badgers: generally indifferent, tbh.

Be honest: How many books are on your TBR list that you've already acquired but haven't started yet? Which one are you most looking forward to?

so i mostly read ebooks now for convenience, so there are only about five books on my TBR list that i've already acquired but haven't started yet. i bought the last thing he told me by laura dave right before i got really deep into studying for the test i just took and i'm excited for that because i've heard really good things! there's 314 books on my goodreads TBR list, waiting for me to download on my kindle though, so. got some work to do there still lol

Share your favorite sentence or two you've written recently (up to 50 words).

i've been working on this new year's eve/day fic for james and vic since december, but i just wrote this line last week when i should have been studying and i LOVE it:

“I love you, too.” He laughs and it’s her favorite sound in the entire world, so who can blame her if she can’t wait until zero to kiss him; two is close enough, right?



? Have you checked out @magemadi's statistical breakdown of the 2022 Golden Ink Awards nominations yet? If you haven't, you can check out her blog post!

? Camp NaNoWriMo has officially closed, but you can still check out participants' novel nests to see how they fared.

? The "I'll Read Fluff If I Want To" Challenge hosted by @RogueSlytherinCadet has many members' hearts aflutter with thoughts of romance ❤️

? A big welcome to our newest member, @SylvarRoyal!



Story of the Month nominations and May Fic Night submissions will be open soon! Also, thank you to everyone who participated in both nominations and voting for the Golden Ink Awards -- results and shinies coming soon for those! ✨



courier: melanie
news, highlights: madi
compilation: melanie

Edited by RonsGirlFriday

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