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lo is a weirdo

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definitive categorization of some of media's greatest soft characters

alright so we've all seen the two other blog posts that highlight the appeal of morally grey love interests+ and golden retriever heroes+ (and if you haven't, go read those now, @BookDinosaur and @Lost_Robin have great insights), but here i am to complete the circle with my own addition to the unhinged discussion that i fully acknowledge i caused. today i will be listing characters from media (books, tv shows, movies, etc.) along with categorizing them as follows: golden retriever - see


lostinthelightss in unhinged ramblings

the (long awaited) make maraudertimes swoon challenge results!!

the make maraudertimes swoon challenge results!!   hello hello! it has been way too long since the make maraudertimes swoon challenge ended but i am here to finally announce the winners!!! but first: what was the challenge about? well, the name says it all - participants had to do their best to make me swoon! fluff, angst, genres were open for the taking, the only rules being romance had to be one of the genres, there had to be a kiss, and the couple had to be together by the end


lostinthelightss in challenges

the claws work for the bourgeoisie (idk if i spelled it right but considering im bilingual, i better have) [aka lo went bonkers during hc finale '20 and did more analysis than was necessary, culminating in a 2-post thread of epic proportions]

foreword: i am someone who enjoys knowing things. i dont like driving behind trucks on the highway because i cant see far ahead, i spoil myself on almost every show/movie because i need to know what happens before it happens, and i generally dont like it when i am left out of the loop. i am aware there's probably some sort of control issue, but that's not the point -> the point is i spent way too long creating a google spreadsheet and mapping things out during hc finale '20, made a thread abo


lostinthelightss in house cup shenanigans

lo's version of eurydice and orpheus

Okay so TLDR; Orpheus is Apollo's son and Daddy A gave him a ~*lyre*~ (get it? lyre/lyrae? y'all arbiterers (sp?) think ur so smart don't cha  ), and then Orpheus marries Eurydice who is super cute. Lady E dies by snake bite, and good ol' Orpheus goes down to see Hades and ask to see his beloved. Orpheus' plays mad bars and Hades is like "cool, you can have her back because those are some dope tunes", but she has to follow him out and he can't look back at her before they're out of the underworl



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