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Rising Through the Ranks


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This post was recognized by abhorsen.!

lostinthelightss was awarded the badge 'astrocommand'


Good morning, aspiring astral explorers! Please take your seats and pull out your tablet devices and prepare for today's seminar on how you may ascend through the ranks of Astral Command on the ISS Astrolabe. For each review left during your cohort's Race the Gala-Z, you will demonstrate the proper mental acuity and dexterity expected of members of Astral Command. We hope your journeys through this galaxy and to other planets go smoothly, but cannot promise complete safety -- an acceptable, minimal level of risk is a constant presence in space travel.

Reviews left as part of the main Race the Gala-Z event will count here ONLY if they are not used for tasks or fueling during active round play, and must be linked to separately here when claiming new ranks.

The rank you achieve is up to you, so please enjoy this year's Astrolabe and get to exploring!


  • Cadet (1)
  • Midshipman (5)
  • Ensign (10)
  • Engineer (25)
  • Science Officer (50)
  • Navigation Officer (75)
  • Lieutenant (100)
  • Captain (125)
  • Commodore (150)
  • Vice Admiral (200)

Please claim your Astral Command ranks in this format:


Astral Command rank:

numbered list of links to reviews:

[review #]. [reviewer username] - [story] by [author], chapter [#] (if multichapter)

You may claim multiple Astral Command ranks as you achieve them. (please list all you are claiming if attempting multiple)


Flash Finalists

the following stories are eligible for flash reviews once round 3 has commenced (i.e. 5PM GMT on March 16th):

  • elmo fire 1
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  • 2 weeks later...
This post was recognized by lostinthelightss!


abhorsen. was awarded the badge 'race across the galazy (1 review)'

i wanna play so i'm gonna


Astral Command rank: admiral-cadet
numbered list of links to reviews:

  1. abhorsen - dancin' in the dark, in the pale moonlight by @something wicked


(counted by me bc lowkey corruption and conflicts of interest or something like that)

  • Haha 1
  • elmo fire 1
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This post was recognized by abhorsen.!

inmyownlittlecorner was awarded the badge 'race across the galazy (1 review)' and 1 points.

Astral Command rank: cadet

numbered list of links to reviews: 

  1. Pride of Burrough House Ch 12 by RonsGirlFriday
  • heart eyes 1
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This post was recognized by abhorsen.!

ineffable_season was awarded the badge 'race across the galazy (10 reviews)' and 1 points.

Lemme know if this isn't right? Idk what I'm doing on a good day. ?

Astral Command rank: Cadet

numbered list of links to reviews:

1. What Means Most, ch 6 by Owlpost68


Astral Command rank: Midshipman

numbered list of links to reviews:

2. Breathing Underwater, ch 5 by inmyownlittlecorner

3. Pride of Burrough House, ch 13 by RonsGirlFriday

4. Breathing Underwater, ch 6 by inmyownlittlecorner

5. A Madness Most Discreet, ch 7 by RogueSlytherin


Astral Command rank: Ensign

numbered list of links to reviews:

6. No Wands, Please – We’re Muggles, ch 33 by PinsAndKneazles

7.  No Wands, Please – We’re Muggles, ch 34 by PinsAndKneazles

8. No Wands, Please – We’re Muggles, ch 35 by PinsAndKneazles

9. all you need is positivity, ch 3 by Ineke

10. A Madness Most Discreet, ch 8 by RogueSlytherin

  • heart eyes 2
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counted + that's right, your counting is perfect. ❤️

if you guys don't mind putting your username just to make it easier to c&p into the spreadsheet for any future reviews that would be great, but no worries at all about not doing it now - i know it's a hassle + is kind of silly, it just helps with the copy-paste. ?

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This post was recognized by abhorsen.!

inmyownlittlecorner was awarded the badge 'race across the galazy (5 reviews)' and 1 points.

Astral Command Rank:  Midshipman

numbered list of links to reviews:

2. inmyownlittlecorner - The Pride of Burrough House by RonsGirlFriday, chapter 13

3. inmyownlittlecorner - No Wands Please, We're Muggles by PinsandKneazles, chapter 14

4. inmyownlittlecorner - No Wands Please, We're Muggles by PinsandKneazles, chapter 15

5. inmyownlittlecorner - No Wands Please, We're Muggles by PinsandKneazles, chapter 16

  • sparkles 1
  • heart eyes 1
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This post was recognized by abhorsen.!

Felpata_Lupin was awarded the badge 'race across the galazy (5 reviews)' and 1 points.

Hope I'm doing this right... :P 

Astral Command rank: Cadet - Midshipman

numbered list of links to reviews:

1. Felpata_Lupin - kingdom keys by lostinthelightss chapter 3

2. Felpata_Lupin - A Madness Most Discreet by RogueSlytherin chapter 19

3. Felpata_Lupin - A Madness Most Discreet by RogueSlytherin chapter 20

4. Felpata_Lupin - Something Rich and Strange by inmyownlittlecorner chapter 1

5. Felpata_Lupin - Heardened Hearts (Say Unimaginable Things) by prideofprewett chapter 17

I'll be back! :D ;) :wub:


  • sparkles 1
  • heart eyes 1
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counted to here ❤️

  • Thanks 2
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This post was recognized by abhorsen.!

Felpata_Lupin was awarded the badge 'race across the galazy (10 reviews)' and 1 points.

Back for more :D 

Astral Command rank: Ensign

numbered list of links to reviews:

6. Felpata_Lupin - Iris albican by lostrobin, chapter 10

7. Felpata_Lupin - Iris albican by lostrobin, chapter 11

8. Felpata_Lupin - by blood by blackballet, chapter 12

9. Felpata_Lupin - by blood by blackballet, chapter 13

10. Felpata_Lupin - by blood by blackballet, chapter 14

  • sparkles 1
  • sending love 1
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This post was recognized by abhorsen.!

lostinthelightss was awarded the badge 'race across the galazy (1 review)' and 1 points.

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counted to here!

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Astral Command Rank:  Cadet - Midshipman

numbered list of links to reviews:

1. Oregonian - The Prophecy by Ameripuff, Chapter 6

2. Oregonian - Sunshine by Anapenoxx, Chapter 4

3. Oregonian - Space Time Humor by Predictable Chaos

4. Oregonian - Iris albicans by LostRobin, Chapter 12

5. Oregonian - No One Mourns The Wicked by Cheats-rjh


Edited by Oregonian
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This post was recognized by abhorsen.!

lostinthelightss was awarded the badge 'race across the galazy (5 reviews)' and 1 points.

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This post was recognized by abhorsen.!

down-in-flames was awarded the badge 'race across the galazy (1 review)' and 1 points.

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counted to here! ? congratulations to all of our cadets who are beginning or continuing their ascent through Astral Command ranks!

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This post was recognized by abhorsen.!

PinsandKneazles was awarded the badge 'race across the galazy (50 reviews)' and 1 points.

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counted to here! ? ?

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This post was recognized by abhorsen.!

ineffable_season was awarded the badge 'race across the galazy (25 reviews)' and 1 points.

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This post was recognized by abhorsen.!

Darling_take_off_the_mask was awarded the badge 'race across the galazy (5 reviews)' and 1 points.

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counted through here!

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checked to here ?

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