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Imaginical Words

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About this blog

Or rather a blog space where that one random human being named Anni has thoughts, opinion, vents, rant, rambles, and or just silly random things to say, really. 

Entries in this blog

Yet another personal update that's lengthy! Okie dokie!

Hello there to anybody who has stopped by and read this! First and foremost, as always, I do want to give a heads up about this blog is going to be quite lengthy one and yes, it's a personal update. So yeah.  I thought I would have not been able to compose, type, write, or whatever you want to call this entry for the longest time as I often try to work on a blog entry on here, type what I needed to type, and then either I'm exhausted from all I typed, don't approve of it because perfectioni


starlitcastles in personal

Keep my passion, I gotta go I'm still (not enough)--or rather an update and lengthy blog entry

Hey guys! I haven't been able to update as I hoped but I will say that I wanted to try and at least write a blog entry and update you guys or you know just to get some things out in the open or at least what I'm comfortable sharing.  I admit that I often try and write rough draft of blogs on here and usually end up deleting them due to me not only struggling with forming the proper words of emotions that I want to convey.  That, or I feel that I'm sharing more than I need to to the point th


starlitcastles in personal

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