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  • abhorsen.

    Recommendations FAQ

    By abhorsen.

    How do I contribute to the rec section? To contribute, you'll need to start your own rec blog by going to "Create Blog" and then selecting whatever category you want to make recs in. If you want to recommend something that doesn't have its own subcategory yet or just want to keep everything within one blog, you can just select the broader "Recommendations" category.   How do I search for fics I want? You can click a tag directly in a rec, or you can go to +this link. Typ
  • crowsb4bros

    A Quick Tour of FFT for Beginners!

    By crowsb4bros

    Hello and welcome to FFT! We're so happy to have you!  We'd like to give new members a quick tour of our site! Before being able to post anything visible to other members, you need to be fully validated by our staff. To do so, please start at the Welcome to FanficTalk+ thread and read our rules and guidelines+. After you confirm that you've read them and agree, a staff member will validate your post and you'll be free to post across the forum. Once you do, we'd love for you to introduce you
    • 1 comment
  • toomanycurls

    Black History Month: Essential Black Authors to Read | The Daily Show's List

    By toomanycurls

    One hallmark of any Black History Month is getting a reading list. More important than a reading list is knowing what people have thought of books or if they are planning to read any on a given list so:  Here is a list transcribed from Essential Black Authors to Read | The Daily Show. I'd love to know which people have read or are planning to read from this list or from any list on Black History Month.  STAMPED: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Ibram Kendi and Jason Reynolds  M

In the Spotlight | 21 March 2021

Hello and welcome to the March edition of In the Spotlight! In this edition, you'll find interviews with the staffers and members of the month as well as some Community Coordinator news and a new section where we feature some of the things that make our corner of the internet so great! We hope you enjoy it and as always encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments.    Staffer of the month is chosen by vote among all staff and CC's together, and this month several of us CC


Darling_take_off_the_mask in In the Spotlight

march 2021 bulletin

welcome to march's bulletin! if you're new, welcome to fanfic talk! it's great to have you with us. we're a multi-fandom forum + archive with a strong culture of support for other writers and feedback here, including a story help section, challenges, and reviewing events - so if you're a writer, you've come to the right place. please make sure that you post in the 'welcome to fft' topic +here to say that you've read over the rules and understand them, and if you're a harry potter fa


abhorsen. in bulletin

In the Spotlight | 27 February 2021

Welcome to the February edition of In the Spotlight! We received some very helpful feedback from members on our survey, so you'll notice a few changes to both this blog series and our Potpourri series in the coming months. We hope you enjoy the new and improved content, and read on for our roundup of sitewide award winner interviews!   February's Staffers of the Month were our lovely and hardworking Event Coordinator team, @abhorsen., @crowsb4bros, @maraudertimes, @victoria_anne


Darling_take_off_the_mask in In the Spotlight

february 2021 bulletin

welcome to february's bulletin! if you're new, welcome to fanfic talk! it's great to have you with us. we're a multi-fandom forum + archive with a strong culture of support for other writers and feedback here, including a story help section, challenges, and reviewing events - so if you're a writer, you've come to the right place. please make sure that you post in the 'welcome to fft' topic +here to say that you've read over the rules and understand them, and if you're a harry potter


abhorsen. in bulletin

Black History Month: Essential Black Authors to Read | The Daily Show's List

One hallmark of any Black History Month is getting a reading list. More important than a reading list is knowing what people have thought of books or if they are planning to read any on a given list so:  Here is a list transcribed from Essential Black Authors to Read | The Daily Show. I'd love to know which people have read or are planning to read from this list or from any list on Black History Month.  STAMPED: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Ibram Kendi and Jason Reynolds  M


toomanycurls in Rep Matters

In the Spotlight | 21 January 2021

Welcome to our first roundup of sitewide award winners and community coordinator news for 2021! In this edition you'll find interviews with our Staffer and Members of the Month, a review column and interview with the author of our sitewide Story of the Month, and general news from the CC's and the Houses. Enjoy! Our Staffer of the Month for January is a recent addition to the Staff team as a Social Media Coordinator and long time CC, @foxymagemadi! | I N T E R V I E W | If t

Bat Stitch Crazy

Bat Stitch Crazy in In the Spotlight

Our Creative Challenges for 2021 | January 10th, 2021

Hello and welcome to the first installment of the Community Coordinator's potpourri blog series for 2021! We decided to share some of our creative/writing goals or things we're challenging ourselves to do creatively this year, with all of you. Make sure to keep us accountable as the year goes on   | M A G E M A D I | Hey folks! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Madi, one of the Ravenclaw CC's now for about 2 and a half years ? who recently also added the Social Media Coordi


magemadi in Potpourri Series

january 2021 bulletin

y'all, let's speak plainly: the last year has been fucking hard, and we know that a lot of our members are really struggling in a lot of ways. we've heard from many members that the overall empathy and support this community gives to each other has been a bright spot for a lot of people in this very difficult time, which we're very happy to hear. thanks for being part of it; we appreciate all of you, and we'll continue to work to improve our community to make sure that that's reflected in everyo


abhorsen. in bulletin

In the Spotlight | 22 December 2020

In the Spotlight | December 22nd, 2020 Welcome to our last In the Spotlight for 2020! We've got the usual roundup of interviews and community coordinator news for you, along with wishing everyone a happy holiday season and that the new year brings good things your way! December's Order of Merlin goes to one of our fearless admins, @ice fairy abhorsen.! | I N T E R V I E W | If there was only one forum that you could post in on FFT, which one would it be? i would

Bat Stitch Crazy

Bat Stitch Crazy in In the Spotlight

Holiday Fic Recs | 8 December 2020

Holiday Fic Recs | December 8th, 2020 Welcome to our December potpourri blog! As we look forward to a new year on the horizon and reflect on the previous year, we decided to compile a list of fic recs for a range of holidays that are celebrated throughout the year. If we've missed any, please feel free to post them in the comments. We hope you enjoy this list and find something new to read!   New Year: illecebrous by @la_topolina (HP) Should Old Acquaintance Be For

Bat Stitch Crazy

Bat Stitch Crazy in Potpourri Series

december 2020 bulletin

we're very excited to announce the fairy princess's birthday party and some forum structure changes, and a special congratulations to our new smm (@frostmagemadi), our head students (@shadowysnowyfairy and @Renacerá), our oom (@ice fairy abhorsen.), and december's sotm (@aurevoir) and fic night (@RogueMidwinter) winners! if you're new, welcome to fft! it's great to have you with us. we're a multi-fandom forum + archive with, including a year-long house cup. we have a strong culture o


abhorsen. in bulletin

In the Spotlight | 25 November 2020

Welcome to the November edition of In the Spotlight! This month we've got interviews with our lovely Head Students, Order of Merlin recipient, and Sitewide Story of the Month author, along with the usual round up of House-related news from your Community Coordinators. Enjoy! November's Order of Merlin recipient is one of our newer staff members, taking on both the role of Validator and Event Coordinator, @victoria_anne! V I C T O R I A _ A N N E | I N T E R V I E W |  If t


Darling_take_off_the_mask in In the Spotlight

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2020

Transgender Day of Remembrance, 2020 In honor of Transgender Day of Remembrance, November 20th, here are some links recommended by the FFT staff. We are not experts on trans identity or community by any means, and present these resources in a shared effort to learn and move forward in allyship. We welcome input from members, and transgender and gender non-conforming members in particular.  Say Their Names Click here for a list of all the transgender people murdered in the Unite


mydearfoxy in Rep Matters

Rep Matters: Indigenous Creators

Hearts Unbroken by Cynthia Leitich Smith (Muscogee - USA) The Round House by Louise Erdrich ( Anishinaabe/Ojibwe - USA) A Girl Called Echo series by Katherena Vermette (Métis - Canada) and Scott B. Henderson (illustrator) This Place: 150 Years Retold (various tribes - Canada) Trickster: Native American Tales, a Graphic Collection (various tribes - USA) The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline (Métis - Canada) If I Go Missing by Brianna Jonnie (Ojibwe - C


crowsb4bros in Rep Matters

Currently Reading | November 7, 2020

CURRENTLY READING Welcome to the November edition of the Community Coordinator Potpourri blog series! This month we're talking about books we're either currently reading or always enjoy going back to. As we're all clearly lovers of fiction here, feel free to take this also as a slight recommendation list for books to ask for for the holidays.   M A L F O Y S A N G E L So my favorite book is The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen Woodiwiss but since it has some content that ma

Bat Stitch Crazy

Bat Stitch Crazy in Potpourri Series

november 2020 bulletin

welcome to november's bulletin!   if you're new, welcome to fft! it's great to have you with us. we're a multi-fandom forum + archive with, including a year-long house cup. we have a strong culture of support for other writers and feedback here, including a story help section, challenges, and reviewing events, so if you're a writer, you've come to the right place. a quick rundown to help you get started here on the forums: please post in the 'welcome to fft' topic +here to say


abhorsen. in bulletin

In the Spotlight | October 23rd, 2020

Welcome one and all to the October edition of In the Spotlight! We've got the usual interviews with our Order of Merlin recipient, Head Students, and the Story of the Month author. Make sure also to check out the Community Coordinator News section to see what the other Houses have been up to lately! October's Order of Merlin recipient is one of our lovely Moderators, @dreamshadow! D R E A M S H A D O W | I N T E R V I E W | If there was only one forum that you could post i


magemadi in In the Spotlight

Spooky Stories | October 14th, 2020

SPOOKY STORIES Welcome to the October edition of the potpourri blog series! This month we've got a few Community Coordinator-written short, spooky stories for your enjoyment. ?   | M A G E M A D I |  One mid-October evening, a pair of young men were walking along the bike trail near their homes when the sudden screeching of an owl nearby made them nearly jump out of their skin with fright. Another owl screech had them quickening their pace towards home, but under the light o


magemadi in Potpourri Series

Rep Matters: Latino History Month

We are celebrating Latino History Month (September 15-October 15) and we've brought our best selections prominently featuring Latino characters. This is an expanded version of our rec list from tumblr here+.  Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston  Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz  Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo


crowsb4bros in Rep Matters

october 2020 bulletin

welcome to october's bulletin!    if you're new, welcome to fanfictalk! it's great to have you with us. we're a multi-fandom forum + archive with a strong culture of support for other writers and feedback here, including a story help section, challenges, and reviewing events, so if you're a writer or reader, you've come to the right place. a quick rundown to help you get started here on the forums: please post in the 'welcome to fanfictalk' topic +here to say that you've read ov


abhorsen. in bulletin

Battleship: Hogwarts Results

Battleship: Hogwarts Results 2020-2021 House Cup Opener Event Welcome one and all to the results blog for the 2020-2021 House Cup Opener Event run by yours truly, the Prefects! Over the course of 3, 5-day rounds, each House battled it out with the others to sink items before their opponent in a good ol' fashioned version of Battleship on the forums! Each House had 6 items to place around an 8x8 grid, and then completed tasks to attempt hitting their opponent's items first. Before we di


magemadi in Event Results

In The Spotlight | September 22, 2020

Welcome to the September edition of In the Spotlight! We've got the usual round up of interviews with our Order of Merlin recipient, Head Students, and some exciting House news. The Battleship event to open the 2020-2021 House Cup year is now over. Those results will be out soon so keep a look out up in your crows nest! Our Order of Merlin recipient for the month of September is one of our fearless leaders and Headmistresses, @toomanycurls! T O O M A N Y C U R L S | I N T E R V

Bat Stitch Crazy

Bat Stitch Crazy in In the Spotlight

3rd Annual TOADs | September 12, 2020

September 12th, 2020 | The 3rd Annual TOADs Welcome to the Third Annual Totally Outstanding Awards, Dudes!  Also known as the T.O.A.D.s, these (totally unofficial!) awards are brought to you by the Prefects to celebrate the staff and members who have stood out to us over the last year for all of their hard work and contributions to the site.  As always we would like to point out that these "awards" are NOT affiliated with the staff or official House Cup business, nor are the


Darling_take_off_the_mask in Awards

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